Nrf24l01 help comunication

The problem is that sending data from (arduino) nano to uno work perfect but from uno to nano it doesn't send or send rarely sometimes. any clues whats going on?

Sorry your screenshot is not useful. Post an annotated schematic showing how it is wired and your code. Please show all power sources. From your description it sounds like a power source impedance problem.

NRF24LO1`s are connected to voltage stabilizator (vcc 5v, gnd gnd, ce - d7, csn d8, sck d13, mo d11, m1 d12, irq - none). Both of them are connected to pc

There are many definitions of a "voltage stabilizer", what is your definition, and post links along with the annotated schematic. You camera takes nice pictures but they are not useful to me. Show your power sources. There are many applications given on the WWW and many are in error. Without the schematic I cannot help as your are not defining the problem.

by voltage stabilizator i mean this

it was touching plastic and when i change it place it started working