OLED on battery

Hi all,

I bet this subject has been through before, but I couldn't find it anywhere.
I'm using Arduino Nano V3. I have some LEDs, Buttons and an OLED on it (Small, 4pin one, simple). The project fine works on the micro-USB. But I want to use a battery (4xAA or 9V- I read that they work similar, just 9V is ineffective). I did connect on Vin and Gnd, but the OLED does not seem to turn on. Board LED near "ON" lights, but nothing else seems to happen. Should I somehow power the OLED through the battery directly? Right now, the OLED has pin connected to 3V3 on the Arduino.

If any links or advice, would need it gladly.
And Thank You in advance :slight_smile:

A real Nano supplies 3.3V from the FT232 chip, and only support 50mA.
How much current does your OLED need? Check it's specs. A separate 3.3V regulator may be needed.

A real Nano supplies 3.3V from the FT232 chip, and only support 50mA.
How much current does your OLED need? Check it's specs. A separate 3.3V regulator may be needed.

The unit link I got: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-Yellow-blue-double-color-128X64-OLED-LCD-LED-Display-Module-For-Arduino-0-96/32233342471.html

I read that it uses 3-5V and 3-25mA.

You did not say what software you are using to drive the display ?

You did not say what software you are using to drive the display ?

You did not say what software you are using to drive the display ?

My libraries I use are:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>

If that's what You're asking.

I'm not sure how to drive the screen or make sure I have enough power for the board to work. I don't see any of my LEDs on the board working. Though the Arduino ON is lighted.
In Vin I used 4xAA (1.5V battery) and screen tried 3V (2xAA). Should I add some pieces to the electronic? I attached directly (Didn't fry it, so good enough).

I'm not sure how to drive the screen or make sure I have enough power for the board to work.

To start with drive the screen with one of the Example programs you will find in the Examples folder of the Library for the SSD1306 display.

I don't see any of my LEDs on the board working.

Why do you expect them to work ? Are you running some program you have yet not revealed ?

In Vin I used 4xAA (1.5V battery)

The Nano has a specification of minimum 7V input as is clearly stated here;


4 x AA (1.5V battery) are likely Alkalines, so they are probably only putting out around 1.3V each, so 5.2V total, a lot less than the 7V (minimum) you need.

and screen tried 3V (2xAA)

That makes no sense at all.

Why do you expect them to work ? Are you running some program you have yet not revealed ?

There is a simple button pressing programming and LED next to the button. The code works when the cable connected and is nothing special. Hence why I didn't upload it. The OLED just displays how many times the button is pressed. If needed, I can upload it.

The Nano has a specification of minimum 7V input as is clearly stated here;
4 x AA (1.5V battery) are likely Alkalines, so they are probably only putting out around 1.3V each, so 5.2V total, a lot less than the 7V (minimum) you need.

I re-cecked the link. Seems I messed up a bit, by connecting 4xAA battery not higher. Teaches me to check 3 input voltages at once. But when I did test with a 9V battery, it didn't seem to work either. I can re-check it soon.

That makes no sense at all.

Being a quite beginner on OLED, I wanted to test if I can just put battery directly as input. But then again, I guess it didn't power enough, as 1,5V is actually 1,3V (Forgot the natural loss). Is it ok, if I just connect up to 5V (My OLED) directly in there, or do I have to put something in between?

Thank You for the info and ideas!

Go back to basics.

First get the SDD1306 display working with one of the examples in the SSD1306 library.

I got it to work. It all was the problem that AA batteries are 1.3. I used 8 of them, and then the project boots pretty well. Display can get power from the 3.3 pin on Arduino.