One of the great things...

One of the great things...
...about this forum.
Is that a number of the contributors are lonely, grumpy old people.

The upside of that, is they started using computers when they were in their beginnings.

PDP-8s and 11s, Data General, Control Data... Heathkit...
Before the Commodore 64, VIC-20, before Tandy TRS-80, Compucolor and the Apple ][ and that whole ‘second generation’ of computers that you may not have even heard of...

They worked with the bare chips, before C++ existed !
S-100 and that ilk, designing building their own hardware etc.

They’re good at answering questions and helping beginners, but they expect the beginner to think for themselves.
You can’t pick up 50 years of intuition and experience in a single post & thread.

On some topics YOU may know more than they do, but not many !
Enjoy the resource and use it freely, but don’t ‘abuse’ it.

I only qualify for the OLD and even then am probably a youngster in many regards.

Yep we do expect noobs to have at the very least done a little homework and not just SAY they did GRRR !
Lead but don't give all the game away and let noobs do some of the work otherwise they wont learn.

I’m not grumpy !

How dare you call me grumpy !

You young people are spoiled, lazy and entitled !

Who do you think you are ?

You are not allowed to manipulate the world just because you think it owes you a living.

I g u e s s I a m g r u m p y a f t e r a l l . . . :zipper_mouth_face:

I have to feed my damn cat now.

Oi! Who are you calling lonely?

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