Hello, how is possible loose the program just downloaded (and saw in RUN) every time i switch off the device ! The sketch works fine but all code was build with PLC IDE and not in sketch.
Best regards
Hello, how is possible loose the program just downloaded (and saw in RUN) every time i switch off the device ! The sketch works fine but all code was build with PLC IDE and not in sketch.
Best regards
Wild guess: the program is stored in volatile memory.
The real problem is not the technical reason but for a device builded and selled against PLC, why does it store the program in the volatile memory without documentation ? I can't find info into PLC IDE.
That is a different, and even more serious problem.
In the OPTA sketch there is a licence for a similar Codesys (Logic Lab) called PLC IDE for program in IEC 61131. The sketch works fine but my programs are builded in PLC IDE (they are transalted from PLC ST code). I can't understand to fix the program into the non volatile memory of device.
Is it possible that the sketch has a problem (my code has a problem) so the information/command to store the PLC IDE into memory isn't elaborate ? I don't have any ther idea.
I try to replicate this video video a new one OPTA
My test stops at 7:01 with this and error 74 :
Warning: Invalid DFU suffix signature
A valid DFU suffix will be required in a future dfu-util release
No DFU capable USB device available
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 74
If i want to download the code with PLC IDE (and RUN the program) i need to use the Modbus TCP. But this operation doesn't trasnfer the sketch, only the PLC IDE program, that i lost every swicth off or reboot.
If i use IDE, i can trasnfer the sketch (i tested beacuse i can set the IP OPTA and switch off DHCP) but remain the same problem about PLC IDE Program.
I find this post about portenta
but with this solution, PLC IDE goes in CRASH i f try to connect with COM (another one, not previous two).
Where is the mistake ?
I dont think that lot of people here have "OPTA", it
s a new product and price is ...! So maybe you should contact someone from Arduino team?
Just do it, directly and also with Finder (producer Opta), without results.
This is not the finally solution because is no sense operation :
I'm waiting an answer from Arduino or Finder to explain me why need operated on the device for the download.
This is important because i will need to work with ETH connection and in remote assistance with this devices (called PRO).
@enrob, hi, this is José from the Arduino Content team. The error:
Warning: Invalid DFU suffix signature
A valid DFU suffix will be required in a future dfu-util release
No DFU capable USB device available
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 74
It relates to the DFU mode that Opta enters for updating the user sketch. Usually, it should enter automatically, but sometimes it fails. The workaround is to enter it manually by pressing the reset button twice; this puts your Opta device into boot mode. You can do this before uploading your code.
Regarding the Ethernet connection and remote assistance, are you referring to Over-The-Air firmware updates?
I am not having that behavior with my Opta, could you please share your project?
I'm running a ladder-blink of the LEDs and the Relays, I'm attaching the project.
OptaExamples.zip (135.2 KB)
What I did:
ST program running on the Fast task:
//Default counter
cnt := cnt + 1;
IF (cnt < 0) THEN
cnt:= 0;
//Warn it is doing something, blink blue led
IF (MOD(cnt, 10) = 0) THEN
sysLEDOutputs[6] := NOT(sysLEDOutputs[6]);
//Ladder blink of the relays with its respective LED
targetRelay:= MOD(cnt / 100, 4);
IF(previousTarget <> targetRelay) THEN
previousTarget := targetRelay;
sysLEDOutputs[targetRelay] := NOT(sysLEDOutputs[targetRelay]);
sysRelayOutputs[targetRelay] := NOT(sysRelayOutputs[targetRelay]);
I am using the latest version of the PLC IDE (v1.0.3.1)
Make sure you have the latest version of the PLC IDE and you have also installed the latest PLC IDE Tools, both available at https://www.arduino.cc/en/software
Let me know!
Kind regards,
Pablo Marquínez
Arduino Support Team
In this moment i have 5 Opta with the same problem tested with 2 different PCs, with physical installation (not virtual machine) and with 2 different VM.
The configuration target for our scope is : Opta programmed with PLC IDE in substituion of PLC, program in ST, connected with HMI in Modbus TCP and receive information from drives and sensor from RTU. Send over Modbus TCP information to a router for cloud and remote assistance.
The code in ST is ready (it's the same of previous plc), the modbus connection is already tested (with plc there are about 20 systems around italy), so i need to test Opta in this function (replace plc).
The problem is the same with our code or with the example with the declaration Opta.
The versions are the last one because i search a solutions around without answer or documentation.
From this monday, when i re installed PLC IDE, Tool and IDE, i had a problem with compiler of board for a corruption of archive (6kb insteade 126 Mb). I solved it with a manual installation (after a morning of test). I wrote a post for this problem.
Another strange question is that before i found a solution with "boot phase" , it's possibile download PLD IDE code with Modbus TCP , but the code was lost every reboot (it's stored in volatile memory ?). Another bypass solution for the sketch was transfer the LLsketch with IDE because it is able to switch in auto from normal operation ti boot the Opta, without error.
Hello, from the first time i can install this software in the opta but it stored in volatile memory and i lost it every reboot.
After this problem i had the problem to the opta libray for corruption compiler ZIP (3.5.4 or 4.0.2) also IDE or PLC IDE, beacuse the compiler is the same also with others boards. I solved with a download from other source (not automatic installation from software Arduino) and i installed the library with arduino-cli .
Only this morning, after new test i find an alternative solution with reset button.
But i need download the application from remote (with router in VPN) without press any button. This is the target of this device.
Best regards
@enrob Please do not use the arduino-cli to install the needed packages, let the PLC IDE Tools installer do that, the PLC IDE does not use the arduino15 path as the Arduino IDE.
What have you stored on the volatile memory?
I do not need to reset the board to make it run, this is the intended behavior.
Please send me the project so I can see what is going on.
Make sure you have all up to date.
Kind regards,
Pablo Marquínez
Arduino Support Team
After a morning with this critical error, without Opta board inside PLC IDE and IDE, without answer, without support, with development stopped, there wasn't other solutions.
Arduido IDE and PLC IDE given me a corruption error about the packages that the software downloaded from their archives (compiler ZIP "gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2017-q4-major-win32-arduino1" was 6 kB and not 126 Mb !).
Manual installation was the last solution, after many resarch in forum and many test without antivirus firewall, on two different PCs and different virtual machine. Attention : the week before, i installed IDE, PLC IDE and relatives board without any error on the same PC.
The problems is not the code beacuse the problem is the same with the default code PLC IDE (cnt=cnt+1 not other task).
With this (Arduino orginal task, not mine), download not arrive at done. It stopped with this error :
Warning: Invalid DFU suffix signature
A valid DFU suffix will be required in a future dfu-util release
No DFU capable USB device available
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 74
This problem i can reply on every Opta i have (more 5).
The problem is the compiler that i have downloaded myself (the link was found in the arduino forum). Probably or not, i don't have the skill to say it, but monday i needed to choose to stop until (?) or try to resolve.
In this moment i don't know if i uninstall the libraries and compiler, i will able to re install them and restart the development.
cnt := cnt + 1;
ATTENTION : this is the default ST code writen in the fast task, called main, when i choose OPta board from new project.
// shared variables can be accessed with PLCIn.varname and PLCOut.varname
// Enable usage of EtherClass, to set static IP address and other
#include <PortentaEthernet.h>
arduino::EthernetClass eth(&m_netInterface);
void setup()
// Configure static IP address
IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 1);
IPAddress dns(8, 8, 8, 8);
IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 1, 0);
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);
// If cable is not connected this will block the start of PLC with about 60s of timeout!
eth.begin(ip, dns, gateway, subnet);
void loop()
This is the sketch. Not else.
In my case, always and this is not good for systems around Italy. I hope (i'm sure) that there is a solution, but stable.
I have a similar issue code won't persist and is lost on power cycle.
Download done.
File downloaded successfully
Warning: Invalid DFU suffix signature
A valid DFU suffix will be required in a future dfu-util release
Transitioning to dfuMANIFEST state
I'm using the Arduino IDE v2.0.4 with a simple sketch that read's IO and writes to a Modbus holding register. I do have the PLC IDE installed but I never used it.
I've tried the presses Reset button twice work around no luck!
I apricate it's new product but this places the device in the unusable bucket.
I was hoping to demo to a client but no chance ...
@enrob If you did not download the program from our pages, uninstall them and follow this instructions https://docs.arduino.cc/software/plc-ide/tutorials/getting-started/plc-ide-getting-started
Hello, i downloaded only from Arduino pages and i always follow this instruction. I tried on two Pc and 2 vitual machine and the result is what i describe.
Previous monday, in this momement i was blocked with this guide becuase the compiler was zip corrupted.
The problem isn't the guide, i know, but the guide is not the only solution in this moment.
Best regards