OPTA Relay Outputs Not Closing

I recently started working with an Arduino OPTA plc and am trying to familiarize myself with it.

However, I can't seem to get the relays to close no matter what I try. I worry I'm overlooking something simple and need feedback.

Here is a simple rung I'm using to control the relay, the addresses I'm outputting to, and the circuit I'm closing. I routed one of the 24V power supply pins on the board to the left pin of the normally-open relay, out the right side through a 270-ohm resistor, and then sent it back to ground.

I've monitored the status of the "plc_Relay1" address when the user button gets pressed, but it behaves exactly as I'd expect. The address of the relay pin in the PLC IDE appears to show a closed relay, but the physical relay is still open.

This happens for all 4 relays on the plc, so I worry it's something fundamental I'm doing wrong.

From your picture I cannot see how it is all connected. Post an annotated schematic showing all connections, power, ground and links to technical information on the hardware. Are you sure the OPTA is OK? Do you have some example code to test it?