I recently started working with an Arduino OPTA plc and am trying to familiarize myself with it.
However, I can't seem to get the relays to close no matter what I try. I worry I'm overlooking something simple and need feedback.
Here is a simple rung I'm using to control the relay, the addresses I'm outputting to, and the circuit I'm closing. I routed one of the 24V power supply pins on the board to the left pin of the normally-open relay, out the right side through a 270-ohm resistor, and then sent it back to ground.
I've monitored the status of the "plc_Relay1" address when the user button gets pressed, but it behaves exactly as I'd expect. The address of the relay pin in the PLC IDE appears to show a closed relay, but the physical relay is still open.
This happens for all 4 relays on the plc, so I worry it's something fundamental I'm doing wrong.