Oracla Java Installation / Licensing

Hello everyone, I am looking for more information on the installed version of Java.
More specifically I am looking into an installation of Arduino 1.8.9.
According to the release notes, 1.8.9 was published on 2019-03-15: (https://www.arduino.cc/en/software/ReleaseNotes)
According to the Oracle Java (JDK) release notes, the licensing-critical Version 8 Update 211 was released on 2019-04-16:
Is anyone able to confirm the definite version of Oracle Java coming with Arduino 1.8.9?
Thank you in advance.

Best Regards, Tom

java (JDK) in itself is not installed by the IDE (IIRC it comes with a JRE)

Let's see; on Windows

  1. Take the current download link for the Windows ZIP file: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-1.8.19-windows.zip
  2. Change that to 1.8.9 and download it: https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-1.8.9-windows.zip
  3. Open that ZIP file, and drill into the java/lib directory: C:\Users\whoami\Downloads\arduino-1.8.9-windows.zip\arduino-1.8.9\java\lib
  4. Extract rt.jar (the Java RunTime); one way is by dragging it to a directory in the left column, like Documents
  5. Switch to that directory, and rename the file to rt.zip (a JAR is a specialized ZIP)
  6. Open that file, and drill into the META-INF directory
  7. Extract MANIFEST.MF to the same directory
  8. Open that file with Notepad (Just Once)
  9. Check the Implementation-Version
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Implementation-Vendor: Oracle Corporation
Implementation-Title: Java Runtime Environment
Implementation-Version: 1.8.0_191

Searching for java 1.8.0_191 yields Java™ SE Development Kit 8, Update 191 Release Notes (oracle.com)

Note that if you move to 2.x, there is no need for Java anymore.

just what I needed as I only have limited access to the installation. Thank you very much, kenb4!

correct, Arduino switched to AdoptOpen JDK from 2.0 and on

IDE 2 is written in typescript and javascript

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