Overcoming output current limitations

I am just getting started with the R4 and see that the output current is much lower than the R3 (8ma vs. 20ma). Is there a way to overcome this? An external driver board perhaps? It isn't a problem yet, but as I said I am just starting and I don't want it to become one.

Welcome to the Arduino forum. Great you are considering the current limits before you start projects.
Just be aware of the current requirements of whatever you attach to the R4 pin. Same applies to the R3 and every other Arduino and every other component. That is why specifications are given for devices, so you can design your project correctly.

From your question I expect you have much more electronics experience then many of the people on this forum.

Yes there are several ways, the easiest would be use a different processor. I will assume you like me would not want to take that path.

The next part is add a buffer chip such as a 74HC244 or the many others.

The smartest is to design for a max of 4mA as a port load. Parts like MOSFETs have a 'surge' current (caused by gate anticancer). Simply placing a 50 Ohm resistor in series with the gate will solve that.

Enjoy this can keep you busy for a very long time.

It seems that my question has already been asked and answered.

Thanks everyone.

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I use the following ready-made mosfet modules in Uno R4:


When controlled with a voltage of 5V, they draw a current of about 4mA from the pin and provide galvanic isolation.