Peltier module controlled by Arduino


I am new to this forum, Arduinos and everything to do with them basically! I have a vague experience with programming, but no experience with electronics. I do however know people who do have this experience, but I'd like to present them with a better plan of the project before I approach them. Hence my questions here:

I have a project where I'd like to be able to power/control a small Peltier module (model TE-7-1.0-1.3 - Max A = 3.2A, Max power 1.6W and Max Voltage = 0.9V) and measure its temperature with thermocouples with an Arduino. I'd like the temperature of the module to gradually lower to 4C and stay there for long periods of time and ideally I'd also like a LED light system to notify when cooling is taking place and the correct temperature has been reached. Looking on other forums and the internet, people suggest using a PWM arduino and perhaps a MOSFET, but I was wondering if anyone could advise me on which MOSFET to use (if any) and a general setup which could achieve this? I gather from previous questions on here this should be relatively easy to do...but being a newbie I can't quite figure it out.

Many thanks for your help in advance!

We recommend that beginners start with the simple examples provided with the IDE (the Arduino software development package) before starting a relatively advanced project such as this.

First learn the programming language and the special features of the Arduino and you will save yourself endless hours of frustration. Blink an LED without using "delay", read an analog input (for measuring temperature), print values, control a small DC motor with a MOSFET, etc.

Finally, avoid Instructables. Most of them are written by people who have no idea what they are doing and just barely managed not to destroy their own equipment.

Great, thank you for the advice. I will have someone helping me (who's very experienced with the language/special features etc) whilst I'm actually doing the construction of this set up. I will of course go through the examples when I have everything - I was more looking for any advice on the hardware set up?

You will need to read more about Peltier modules before starting this project, because you have misconceptions about them.

For example, the module does not have "a temperature", instead it is an inefficient heat pump, with hot and cold sides, which are used to move heat from one place to another.

You will need a heat sink, a high current power supply and some means of controlling that power supply, typically a logic level MOSFET.

You will need to read more about Peltier modules before starting this project, because you have misconceptions about them.

For example, the module does not have "a temperature", instead it is an inefficient heat pump, with hot and cold sides, which are used to move heat from one place to another.

You will need a heat sink, a high current power supply and some means of controlling that power supply, typically a logic level MOSFET.

Moreover, the Peltier may never give you 4C because they can only go so far below ambient temperature. More research necessary.
