Pin input & output ESP32/STM32

Good evening everyone, I made a circuit with an esp32 and a STM32, and the 2 boards are connected in serial to work as PLC.
I got a 100% working sketch.
Now the need to understand which are the outputs and which are the inputs and their numbering.
The board has 18 inputs and 12 outputs.
I don't have much practicality with these 2 cards.
I am attaching a piece of code here so you can see if you can help me.
Thanks to all and
good evening.

tring Led1 = "10000000";
String Activationmotor1 = "11000000";
String Activation motor2 = "11100000";
String Activationmotor3 = "11110000";
String Activationmotor4 = "11111000";
String Activationmotor5 = "11111100";
String Led2 = "11011100";
String Led3 = "11011000";
String Led4 = "11001000";
String Led5 = "11000000";
String Led6 = "10000000";
String Led7 = "00000000";

String STLed1 = "011111111111111111"; // String representing the status of Led1 switching on
String STActivationmotor1 = "101111111111111111";
String STActivationmotor2 = "110111111111111111";
String STActivationmotor3 = "111011111111111111";
String STActivationmotor4 = "111101111111111111";
String STActivationmotor5 = "111110111111111111";
String STLed2 = "111111011111111111";
String STLed3 = "111111101111111111";
String STLed4 = "111111110111111111";
String STLed5 = "111111111011111111";
String STLed6 = "111111111101111111";
String STLed7 = "111111111111111111";

I have absolutely no idea what you are doing and what you are asking but I would suggest that using Strings to hold the data is inappropriate

Please provide more details of your project, a schematic and post the sketch that you say you have that is "100% working". Use code tags when you post the sketch

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