PIR Sensor & LEDs (Arduino Newbie)

Hi all, I'm a complete newbie to Arduino but am having a blast experimenting with it. I'm trying to create a simple alarm system whereby an LED lights whenever a PIR sensor detects motion. I'm able to get the LED to light when motion is detected, however, I want to make it so the LED continues to be lit (blinks continuously) until a pushbutton is depressed as a reset.

For the life of me, I can figure out the code to keep the LED blinking until a reset via pushbutton... it blinks for a few seconds and then turns off until new motion is detected... any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

My code so far:


const byte alarmLED = 9; // LED pin for INTRUDER DETECTED!!! (blink)
const byte safeLED = 13; // LED pin for SAFE (steady)
const byte motionPin = 2; // motion detector input pin

int brightness = 0; // how bright the LED is
int fadeAmount = 5; // how many points to fade the LED by
int resetButton = 7; // the Reset Button pin

byte senseMotion = 0; // variable to hold current state of motion detector

void setup() {
// set the digital pin directions
pinMode(alarmLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(safeLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motionPin, INPUT);
pinMode(resetButton, INPUT);

void loop()

// Now watch for burglers
senseMotion = digitalRead(motionPin);

if (senseMotion == HIGH)
// burgler found!
analogWrite(alarmLED, brightness); // set the brightness for ledPin
digitalWrite(safeLED, LOW); // turns off LED2 when motion is sensed
brightness = brightness + fadeAmount; // change the brightness for next time through the loop

if (brightness == 0 || brightness == 255) // reverse the direction of the fading at the ends of the fade
fadeAmount = -fadeAmount;
delay (10); // (set how fast it fades) wait for X milliseconds to see the dimming effect

// Need to hold the blinking until a Reset is detected

{ // no burgler, yet...

digitalWrite(alarmLED, LOW); // turns off LED1 if motion is not sensed
digitalWrite(safeLED, HIGH); // turns on LED2 when NO motion



You're testing "senseMotion" every time through loop, and this initiates your flashing.
When "senseMotion" goes low, you stop flashing.
Instead, set a flag when "senseMotion goes HIGH, and only reset the flag when the button is pressed.
Your flashing now depends on the flag, not "senseMotion"

Thanks for the response AWOL! Sorry, I'm really new to programming... can you give an example of what you mean by "set a flag"?

int flag;  //global scope, initialised to zero

// some time later, in loop
if (senseMotion == HIGH) { 
  flag = 1;

Of course, it is better if you give your flag a meaningful name, like "motionLatch", or something.

Thank you, AWOL! Will use your suggestion.