attached is a set of functions that all wo9rk but they are incorporated into my bigger project at the moment and i dont really have the time to dig out the pieces ... but it gives you these funtions.
void Graph(MCUFRIEND_kbv &d, double x, double y, double gx, double gy, double w, double h, double xlo, double xhi, double xinc, double ylo, double yhi, double yinc, String title, String xlabel, String ylabel, unsigned int gcolor, unsigned int acolor, unsigned int pcolor, unsigned int tcolor, unsigned int bcolor, boolean &redraw)
void DrawBarChartV(MCUFRIEND_kbv & d, double x , double y , double w, double h , double loval , double hival , double inc , double curval , int dig , int dec, unsigned int barcolor, unsigned int voidcolor, unsigned int bordercolor, unsigned int textcolor, unsigned int backcolor, String label, boolean & redraw)
void DrawDial(MCUFRIEND_kbv & d, int cx, int cy, int r, double loval , double hival , double inc, double sa, double curval, int dig , int dec, unsigned int needlecolor, unsigned int dialcolor, unsigned int textcolor, String label, boolean & redraw)
void DrawBarChartH(MCUFRIEND_kbv & d, double x , double y , double w, double h , double loval , double hival , double inc , double curval , int dig , int dec, unsigned int barcolor, unsigned int voidcolor, unsigned int bordercolor, unsigned int textcolor, unsigned int backcolor, String label, boolean & redraw)
void drawScale(){
void drawBar (int nPer){
maybe in an hour or sow i will run the demo and post the vid or take some pictures. i adapted the codee from somewhere else to work with the mcu friend libraries, however they will work with any library just replace MCUFRIEND_KBV with what ever your graphics lib is..
graphs.ino (13.7 KB)