Been having a bit of a fight with pins A6 and A7 on my Pro Mini. Started searching and at first found various conflicting posts and information:
Arduino Reference - Arduino Reference says:
PORTC maps to Arduino analog pins 0 to 5. Pins 6 & 7 are only accessible on the Arduino Mini
DDRC - The Port C Data Direction Register - read/write
PORTC - The Port C Data Register - read/write
PINC - The Port C Input Pins Register - read only
Unless everyone I've pasted below saying 6 and 7 are purely analog input only and have no digital buffer, are wrong, then it would probably help to clarify the line above and rewrite it to:
Pins 6 & 7 are only accessible on the Arduino Mini and are analog inputs only and therefore can only be read with analogRead()
Here's why I was getting confused:
ADC6 and ADC7 can be used if you read and write directly to the registers.
They can also be used with the Arduino libraries if you use a Arduino Pro Mini compatible board.
So you can use them?
This has already been answered above, port C bit 6 is the reset pin, port C bit 7 is
not used at all. Standard Arduinos do not configure port C bit 6 for use so that
the pin can be used as RESET.Analog inputs 6 and 7 have nothing at all to do with port C or any other port.
They don't? But the Arduino guide says they do!
You can always useanalogRead (6)
andanalogRead (7)
, which should just work.And no, you can't control ADC6 or 7, they are only wired to the analog multiplexer, so have no output
capability. In fact port C bit 6 can be mapped to the RESET pin if the chip is appropriated fused, and port C
bit 7 is unassigned. The standard bootloader keeps the reset pin as a reset signal so bits 6 and 7 of port
C are not used.The analog inputs 0..5 share pins with digital port C bits 0..5, hence they can be set as digital I/O.
Ah, that seems a bit more definitive.
So the two extra SMD pins can be read with AnalogRead(6) for ADC6 and AnalogRead(7) for ADC7? Sounds great - will give it a shot!
Make sure you review boards.txt and select a board type that uses "eightanaloginputs"
Such as:
OK, starting to get a consensus among the old-timers here:) I'll go with that.
And the docs says ( P266)
Note that ADC pins ADC7 and ADC6 do not have digital input buffers, and therefore do not
require Digital Input Disable bits.
And finally, joy of joys:
Except for A6, A7 on surface mount '328P equipped boards when they are broken out. Those are analog input only.Even those work well for reading switches.
The other day I connected a rotary encoder and two push-buttons to A6/A7 (with suitable resistors to give different voltage levels).
Fantastic! In which case, assuming that's right, I can move the rotary encoder to these two analogue read-only pins, freeing up two digital output pins, meaning I have exactly the right amount of pins needed and no extra shift registers or port expanders required.
The bottom line is:
Therefore, unless anyone disagrees, might it be an idea to clarify that port manipulation page?