Port Mapping With Mega

Is there any port mapping for the mega that is similar to the PORTD of the other boards?
The Arduino mega (ATmega1280) in particular.

I typed PORTD and Mega, into the search box on the home page, and got this as the first hit...


May help you.

Thx much appreciated

You might find this spreadsheet printout useful:



I was about to ask this question also, luckily I found there is already one.
But...no answer yet. Is there a PORTE, PORTF etc for the MEGA 1280/2560?

I was about to ask this question also, luckily I found there is already one.
But...no answer yet. Is there a PORTE, PORTF etc for the MEGA 1280/2560?

Yes, see that spreadsheet I link in prior post. Not that not all bits in port E are avalible (not wired to any shield connector pins) in arduino mega boards.


Ok- now I see; i figured it was unknown, but now I understand it's not wired. A shame. Thanks