So I want to make a portable device that runs of a rechargeable Li-Ion (4.2-2.7V) Batteries. I have components that run on 3.3V (ATmega328P ,GPS) and some LEDs (5V). Im not using the Uno Board, just the Chip.
There are multiple ways I can think of to power this:
Use a Step Down from the battery for 3.3V and a Step Up from the battery for the 5V
Use a Step Down from the battery for 3.3V and a Step Up from the 3.3V to the 5V
Use a Step Up from the 3.3V to the 5V and a Step Down from the 5V to the 3.3V
Are there any other Smart ways to achieve this? Im looking for power efficiency and simplicity.
I think maybe there are more Battery to 5V Circuits out there that offer the ability to charge the Li-Ion easily? I think a voltage divider from 5V to 3.3V is to inefficient. Is there a IC that maybe allows for both?
Thanks for your Time and help, greatly appreciate it!
All you have to do is get a step-up converter. Step it up to 5v regulated. Put that as the input voltage for the Arduino ( pin labeled Vin ) and use the Arduino's 3.3v output for everything else.
On one project I use that is run by LiPo's and some of the modules require 5V is to step up the LiPo with a switching regulator and use the 3.3V out from the ESP32 module to supply the other 3.3V device. This works well with a minimal 3.3V power requirement and strong filtering on the 3.3V line.
this tutorial shows you how to make an all-in-one, charger / protector, and step-up to 5v. You can add a step-up to 3.3v using the same schematic, but changing the voltage divider on the MT3608's pin 3. You can use the calculator to get proper values.
The smd parts in this schematic are rather small though, keep that in mind.
If you really need 3.3v that is.
The ATmega will run on 3.3v just fine, maybe the GPS will run on 5v too, that will save you a step-up.
So sad to say, you have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about! 5 V to "Vin" is total nonsense. Edit: Are you having a really bad day? Checked your other answers.
And doubly proving it.
Please, if you don't know what you are talking about, just don't post to prove it!
It will at 8 MHz, what the "3.3. V" version of the Pro Mini does. Do note that since the ATmega is rated up to at least 5 V, you do not need to reduce the voltage for it to 3.3 V, connect it directly to the Li-Ion battery. You may however need to limit the voltage for other devices.
Not really. You put 5V into a typical Nano/UNO Vin pin, you just apply 5V to the input of an AMS1117-5.0 regulator. In this scenario the AMS1117 will usually pass down the input with a significant drop, so the Arduino/328P will run at something like 4V, for which it's not specified (at 16MHz). If you're lucky, that is. Odds are the 328P won't run (reliably) at all.
I assume you either applied the 5V to the 5V pin or the voltage you applied to Vin was actually higher.
In any case, there is no sensible reason whatsoever to apply 5V to the Vin pin of a 328P-based Arduino - it's not likely to work, if it does it's a borderline case that won't be reliable and it's just plain silly.