Power backup for arduinos

Hello ,
I need to power 6 Arduino Nanos connected to 5v power bank at the vin .
Whenever the power bank starts Charging (input) or charging is turned off due to mains power off the output of power bank is interrupted.
The Arduino Nanos reboot.
So i need to avoid this as the 6 Arduino are capable of keeping the encoder values.
The switching takes only a few (2-5) seconds.
Can I use 5v capacitor to handle the output for 5 seconds?

What happened when you tried to use a capacitor to handle output for 5 seconds?

is my guess.

I have battery operated projects, USB power bank is a battery, that can be charged while still supplying current.

Do you think a posted schematic would be helpful to those who would like to help you?

Do you think a posted image of the project would be helpful to those who would like to help you?

Some of those battery banks like this

where the X seconds power drop is built into the electronics and outside of redesigning the module not much else can be done.

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Pushing a 5V power bank in to VIN is a bad starting point.
If you have a 5V supply, a supercap on the 5V rail might be enough if there’s nothing else pulling it down.

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I am not sure what you have going here. The Vin pin on a nano board is designed around an input voltage of about 7 ~ 12 volts, not 5.0 volts. The Vin pin couples directly to a 5.0 volt on-board regulator.

Arduino Nano

The board uses a NCP1117 series regulator. with a maximum dropout voltage of 1.2 V at 800 mA. Which is why a suggested Vin is 7 ~ 12 volts. If you want to externally power the board you would use the 5.0 volt pin. Personally I would just consider using a 12 volt SLA battery with a tender on the battery. Commonly called a tender or maintainer. I leave one on my motorcycle all winter long. If you want to drop the Vin a little just place a 1N4002 diode or similar on each NANO Vin line.


Its actually Seeeduino Xiao .Not exactly Nano. So the Vin supports 5volts. And any updates i should make in design to begin with. I am open for suggestions.

@lastchancename - only 6 Seeeduino connected together. No other components.
The work of Seeeduino slave controller (i2c) is to keep track of respective encoder reading and send to Master whenever requested. So I guess the current usage is 50mA per controller and 300 mA overall.
So plan to use 5.5v super capacitor,1F. I need a backup of 5 seconds ( boot time of power bank). I also plan to add diode between cap and power bank so that the power bank does not act as a load to cap . Am i good to go or need changes.

Thankyou everyone for your support.

I did something similar but with less Nano's. I used a 12V pb battery and a charging module setting it for 13.2V, this was always on. I then used a buck converter to deliver 7.5 V to the Nano's. The Nano's do not see any interruption when the power fails. Be sure to size the battery and charging circuit appropriately. I have now started using FRAM, a lot more nonvolatile storage. I currently use 32K x 8 devices.

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