Power Supplying

Currently i use an Arduino Uno, HC-SR04 sensor and a MG995 Servo motor, while trying to supply these components with my 9V battery nothing works with me but i can see that the Arduino UNO board is on because of its lights, i already bought a cable for the 9V so do i need another battery such as a 12V if not please lead me to another solution.

Thank you.

Never use 9V smoke alarm type batteries for projects.

You're not powering your servo +5V with Arduino, are you? That also goes against Arduino best practices.

Your battery selection depends on a number of things.

Please provide full project details, such as a hand drawn schematic. Also the project housing, whether it's portable or fixed, and ideally, the code, using code tags.

Im using just regular 9V batteries i guess

Yeah I edited my initial reply. Please re read it.

They don't provide enough current

9V batteries are fine but you cannot connect the servo to the Arduino 5V output.
Use 4 AA batteries for the servo and 9V battery fot the Arduino

// defines variables
long duration;
int distance;

void setup() 

// Sets the trigPin as an Output
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
// Sets the echoPin as an Input 
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
// Starts the serial communication 
void loop() 
// Clears the trigPin
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
// Sets the trigPin on HIGH state for 10 micro seconds
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
// Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
// Calculating the distance
distance= duration*0.0343/2;
// Prints the distance on the Serial Monitor
Serial.print("Distance: ");
if ( distance <= 25   ) // Change Distance according to Ultrasonic Sensor Placement




This is the code im using and yes i am powering my servo with 5V

See post #6

But thats what im already doing and its working completely fine after the advise you and the other friend gave me

Then problem solved

I need to power it without my pc and im not being able to supply it with 9V thats what i asked so will 4 AA batteries work?

Just a tip with that code, you're driving it to either extreme end with 0 and 180 degrees in your servo.write() calls. I like to limit mine to 10 and 170 degrees maximum if I drive them with
servo.write() to help prolong the life of the servo.

4AAs for the servo and 9V battery for the arduino

So i can't power my whole project with just a 9V i need additional power, what about my sensor?

The sensor can connect to the Arduino 5V output.
Using a 9V battery connected to Vin or the barrel jack to power the Arduino and a separate 4AA battery pack to power the servo is the simplest solution.

You could also use 6AA batteries and a buck converter.

and how will i connect the seperate 4 AA batteries to my servo?

If your servo wires are Red, Black and Yellow
Connect the positive lead of the AA pack to Red
Connect the negative lead of the AA pack to Black
Connect the servo Yellow wire to a digital pin

Also connect the servo Black wire to the Arduino GND

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