Problem initializing CAN with Arduino MEGA

Good morning,

I´ve been trying to communicate an arduino Mega with an arduino UNO with the CAN protocol. With the UNO I´ve been able to initialize the CAN and I think that it sends data correctly but I´m not completely sure because I don´t have anything that could recieve what it sends.

The problem I have is with the MEGA, I don´t know why it doesn´t initialize the CAN and always gives me an error by executing the CAN.begin. I have connected the pins properly to the 50,51,52 and 52 pins.

The code I´m using is the following:

// CAN Receive Example

#include <mcp_can.h>
#include <SPI.h>

long unsigned int rxId;
unsigned char len = 0;
unsigned char rxBuf[8];
char msgString[128];                        // Array to store serial string

#define CAN0_INT 2                              // Set INT to pin 2
MCP_CAN CAN0(53);                               // Set CS to pin 10

void setup()
  // Initialize MCP2515 running at 16MHz with a baudrate of 500kb/s and the masks and filters disabled.
  if(CAN0.begin(MCP_ANY, CAN_500KBPS, MCP_16MHZ) == CAN_OK)
    Serial.println("MCP2515 Initialized Successfully!");
    Serial.println("Error Initializing MCP2515...");
  CAN0.setMode(MCP_NORMAL);                     // Set operation mode to normal so the MCP2515 sends acks to received data.

  pinMode(CAN0_INT, INPUT);                            // Configuring pin for /INT input
  Serial.println("MCP2515 Library Receive Example...");

void loop()
  if(!digitalRead(CAN0_INT))                         // If CAN0_INT pin is low, read receive buffer
    CAN0.readMsgBuf(&rxId, &len, rxBuf);      // Read data: len = data length, buf = data byte(s)
    if((rxId & 0x80000000) == 0x80000000)     // Determine if ID is standard (11 bits) or extended (29 bits)
      sprintf(msgString, "Extended ID: 0x%.8lX  DLC: %1d  Data:", (rxId & 0x1FFFFFFF), len);
      sprintf(msgString, "Standard ID: 0x%.3lX       DLC: %1d  Data:", rxId, len);
    if((rxId & 0x40000000) == 0x40000000){    // Determine if message is a remote request frame.
      sprintf(msgString, " REMOTE REQUEST FRAME");
    } else {
      for(byte i = 0; i<len; i++){
        sprintf(msgString, " 0x%.2X", rxBuf[i]);


I´ve attached the library I´m using.

I hope someone could help me solving this

Many thanks (35.2 KB)

I took the library you provided and the code and uploaded it to a mega no problems....

Have you selected the Mega properly in the Tools menu of the IDE?

Screeny attached.

Thanks for your answering,

Yes I took the Mega in the Arduino IDE. I don´t know why it isn´t working.....

Well the only difference between mine and yours is mine doesn't have anything plugged into it.

Check your wiring?


I am revising it, but I don´t see anything wrong connected... What IDE are you using? I´m thinking about there could be the problem... I´m using 1.7.11 IDE because it´s the only one that has the M0 board tha i was using in another project.

No, that is not the problem, I have installed tha last version, 1.8.1 from and it doesn´t run either....