I am working on building a modified version of the Evolvinator to use for my project to create an automated cell culture system. I am learning how to read the circuit schematics found on the website but am a bit confused about the temperature control situation. I understand that there is a temp sensor, but I do not see any mention of a heating element and the requirements for said heating element. I don't know if I'm missing something or if it was omitted. How would I find out what heating element I need and how to go about utilizing it?
More than happy to provide extra info and hopefully I'm using the forums correctly. Thank you in advance!
This is the only type of heating resistor in this project I think and there are 4 of them.
20.0ohm 15W Heating Resistor
Caddoc Electronics MP915-20.0-1%
DigiKey MP915-20.0F-ND
From there, you can find it on digikey and get the datasheet for the requirements.
I only see 2 in the schematic but maybe there is more info somewhere about why four instead of only two.
Yes, I definitely see that and noticed from the pdf you sent that these have a heat-dissipating ceramic back-plate.
On the circuit diagram, am I plugging in these heat resistors into the slot on the upper right hand corner and/or would these be screwed directly onto the metal housing/culture chamber?
If I'm screwing these in, would I need copper wiring to bring the current from the PCB to the Heating resistors? I attached a picture of where I think it would go. There are 4 slots of the same size equidistant around the machined housing
Yes you would need wiring between the heaters and the PCB. It is really close to the aluminium pipe tho, make sure you use electrical tape or something to isolate the pipe and the wires