Hi everyone. This is my first time writing in this forum. My name is Angelo, I am a mechanical engineer and I am recently approaching the world of Arduino. The problem I'm having is using a Nextion screen with Ardino Giga R1 Wifi. A few weeks ago I created a program that worked correctly with Arduino Uno but I can't load the same program on the Giga R1 wifi card. As far as I understand, the problem should be linked to the "Nextion.h" library because when I try to include it in any program running on the Giga 1 it gives me an error. I thank anyone who can give me a hand.
This is the sketch:
#include <Nextion.h>
#include <DHT.h>
#define DHT1_PIN 10
#define DHT1_TYPE DHT22
NexText t1 = NexText(0, 3, "t1");
NexText h1 = NexText(0, 5, "t3");
void setup() {
void loop() {
float temp1 = dht1.readTemperature();
float hum1 = dht1.readHumidity();
char temp1Str[6];
char hum1Str[6];
dtostrf(temp1, 5, 1, temp1Str);
dtostrf(hum1, 5, 1, hum1Str);
You will not find much support on this forum for using Nextion.h library.
Either use the methods of Perry Bebbington presented here
or alternatively the Easy Nextion Library by Seithan
The Giga R1 has multiple hardware serial ports, and using Software Serial should not be used,
A thousand thanks. your suggestion was very helpful, I think with these tutorials I will be able to solve my problem
Hi. Were you able to use the EasyNextion library with Giga? I could not send data.