Problem with using a pull down resistor to prevent floating input pin

Yep it sure is, it looks like i followed the wrong resources. Such as this
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I gave up when I got to this bit:

allowing voltage to flow

(My bold)

edit.... but then I read a but further and only 5 lines later I got this gem:

will also specify pinMode(PIN,OUTPUT); to let the Arduino know we are listening to this pin and not using it for output.

I gave up when I got to this bit:

(My bold)

edit.... but then I read a but further and only 5 lines later I got this gem:

Also the use of diagrams done in fritzing titled as "schematics" would definitely upset a couple of members on here :wink:

Though i only briefly looked at this page to find out what kind of resistor to use (which was still wrong!) i see its definitely noob bait and i got caught.

Just to clarify and after some further reading would using a 10k pull-up resistor with a 100nF be a good way to go?

I can see that using a pull down really was a terrible choice as even with a 510R and the 10nF i would still get allot of noise if i used 10+ meters of wire.

If it is a long run go for a lower pull up like 1K.