Programming an Arduino Mega with Java

Hello everybody:

Well, I want to make a project that consists in transfer information from an Arduino to a Java aplication for example I want to tap a some buttons of the keybord matrix (connected to the Arduino) and show the button in the java console what button I press and other example is that I write a String in a Java application and show it on a lcd display(connected to the Arduino board), I´ve been reading and I found that I can use the library RXTX but it is discontinued and also I found another one called JSSC but I don´t know which is better.

Finally I don´t know in which language Do I have to write the program that shows the String on the LCD Display or show in the Java console what button I press.

For your attention and send your time readind, thank you very much.

Best whises.


I wrote a demo program to show how to send data to/from an Arduino here Demo of PC-Arduino comms using Python - Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer - Arduino Forum. It uses the Python programming language on the PC which (imho) is much easier than Java.

I originally wrote the PC program in JRuby (which uses the JVM) as I am more familiar with that than with Python. The JRuby program is attached to one of the later posts in the Thread. If you like the JVM I suggest you consider JRuby.

As far as I can see RxTx has disappeared from the web so I have started using JSSC. It seems to be easier to use.
