Project Four for Arduino Starter Kit

My code won't work for Project Four-Color Mixing Lamp! It keeps stopping it when I try to upload it here:
const int greenLEDPin = 9;
const int redLEDPin = 11;
const int blueLEDPin = 10;
const int redSensorPin = A0;
const int greenSensorPin = A1;
const int blueSensorPin = A2;
int redValue = 0;
int greenValue = 0;
int blueValue = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
redSensorValue = analogRead(redSensorPin);
greenSensorValue = analogRead(greenSensorPin);
blueSensorValue = analogRead(blueSensorPin);
Serial.print("Raw Sensor Values \t Red: ");
Serial.print("\t Green: ");
Serial.print("\t Blue: ")
redValue = redSensorValue/4;
greenValue = greenSensorValue/4;
blueValue = blueSensorValue/4;
Serial.print("Mapped Sensor Values \t Red: ")
Serial.print("\t Green: ");
Serial.print("\t Blue: ");
analogWrite(redLEDPin, redValue);
analogWrite(greenLEDPin, greenValue);
analogWrite(blueLEDPin, blueValue);

The error message I get is: 'redSensorValue' was not declared in this scope.
Can anyone please help me with this? I copied all of the code from the starter kit and I am almost one hundred percent positive I didn't make any mistakes. Please help. Thanks.

I see redValue declared, but no redSensorValue. Same for blue and green.

You could do

int redSensorValue = analogRead(redSensorPin);

Same for green and blue.

Please read the "how to use this forum-please read" stickies to see how to properly format and post code.

You're missing part of the sketch:

int redSensorValue = 0; // variable to hold the value from the red sensor
int greenSensorValue = 0; // variable to hold the value from the green sensor
int blueSensorValue = 0; // variable to hold the value from the blue sensor

Did you type the sketch out from the book?

You might be interested to know that all the starter kit sketches are available in the Arduino IDE at File > Examples > 10.StarterKit_BasicKit.