Ps2 controller. ps2x library. Check if controller is connected

Hi All,

I would like to check if controller is still connected inside the loop in case of battery or malfunction issue.

I have tried

if (!ps2x.readType()) { // check if controller is disconnected
    Serial.println("PS2 controller disconnected!");

But no positive results. Any ideas?

That calls doesn't actively send a command on the PS2 bus so you cannot use that method on it's own.
Post complete code if you need more help.

#include <PS2X_lib.h> 
PS2X ps2x; 
int error = 0; 
byte type = 0;
byte vibrate = 0;

void setup()
ps2x.config_gamepad(5,3,4,2, false, false);   

void loop()
   // check if controller is on
ps2x.read_gamepad(false, vibrate);     
if(error == 1) //skip loop if no controller found
  if(type == 2){

That doesn't contain the snippet of post #1.

If you would insert that at the top of loop() you probably have to move the ps2x.config_gamepad() call from setup() to loop(). Otherwise you have to modify the library and uncomment the commented out code of readType().

Throughout reading on other blogs most likely library will have to be modified and this is my problem.

The code or any example code is irrelevant to my question. All I need to find out how to read if the controller it is On or Off.
I am using Ali -Chinese controllers.
On the receiver side there are two LED's, red and green. Whenever controller is OFF green LED is blinking or is OFF.
There must be a way to get information from the receiver when await for connection with controller.

What I have understood when going through PS2x and PSX libraries that connection Receiver -> Controller, Controller-> Receiver are initiated at the beginning once ( setup() ). Later on connection is not checked if controller is still powered ON. When is OFF simply you wont be able to do anything.
I have looked in debugging mode on PS2X library and all commands values are exactly the same for switched ON and/or OFF controller. It means to me that receiver is a culprit in my situation.

With this assumption if you press PSB_GREEN and switch OFF the controller then receiver/Arduino will hold that value until connection is established again.

I have an idea to hook into receiver's Green LED and write some code to determine when controller is On/OFF.

Any suggestions much appreciated.

Did you read my previous post? Did you understand my previous post? Did you try what I suggested there?

Moving ps2x.config_gamepad(); to loop will endlessly configure controller in result massive delays. I have tested it.

I have spent some time trying to understand PS2X library and, I think, author predicted connection loss but for my Arduino Mega, for some reason, could not keep up.

I have managed to kill two receivers trying to hook up to green LED and from there create function to pick up connection status of the controller. Eventually I gave up on this.

Then I have started playing with multimeter and pins on the receiver.
One of the pins (CMD?) when controller ON or OFF was giving fairly consistent readings but...
When ON - 1018 to 1023 ( when no buttons pressed)
When OFF - 1021 - 1022 ( occasionally 1020 -1022)
Unfortunately when ON, spikes were to far apart to safely determine when actually was ON.
On average it was 3-4 seconds but at some point even 7-8 seconds.

analogRead(ps2x.read_gamepad(X, X)); X= true/false
finally gave me consistency and I could start playing with it.
The most optimal reading time to determine for controller when ON is 3500ms to count spikes for x>1022 and x<1021 by sampleCount I could see when controller was ON or OFF.

void ccc() {
  int analogValue = analogRead(!ps2x.read_gamepad(true, true)); // read analog data from the controller
  int isDeviceOn = (analogValue > 1022 || analogValue < 1021); // check if device is ON 

Unfortunately ps2x library has a "bug" when PS2 controller is on and Arduino restarted or code uploaded, library think that controller is still connected and return " Controller found" even when controller in fact was switched OFF or cannot connect after restart.

By sampleCount I now can safely halt all other functions until connection is established. This method works for sleep mode. Controller sleep mode activate after 3 minutes.

When controller is OFF for more than specified time it goes to safety mode to slow down/ reduce functionality and if additional time passes then go to full stop.

const int SAMPLE_TIME = 3500; // 3 seconds in milliseconds
const int SLOW_MODE_TIME = 1500; 
const int EMERGENCY_MODE_TIME = 1000;
unsigned long sampleStartTime = 0;
unsigned long slowModeStartTime = 0;
unsigned long emergencyModeStartTime = 0;
int sampleCount = 0;
bool prevDeviceState = false;
bool slowModeFlag = false;
bool emergencyModeFlag = false;

void ccc() {
  int analogValue = analogRead(!ps2x.read_gamepad(true, true)); // read analog data from the controller
  int isDeviceOn = (analogValue > 1022 || analogValue < 1021); // check if device is ON 

  // update sample count if necessary
  if (millis() - sampleStartTime >= SAMPLE_TIME) {
    Serial.print("Sample count: ");

    if (sampleCount > 0) {
      slowModeFlag = false;
      emergencyModeFlag = false;
    } else {
      slowModeFlag = true;
      slowModeStartTime = millis();

    sampleCount = 0;
    sampleStartTime = millis();
  } else {
    if (isDeviceOn) {

  // enter slow mode if necessary
  if (slowModeFlag && (millis() - slowModeStartTime >= SLOW_MODE_TIME)) {
    if (!emergencyModeFlag) {
      Serial.println("Entering slow mode");
      // call slow mode function here
      slowModeFlag = false;
      emergencyModeFlag = true;
      emergencyModeStartTime = millis();
    } else if (emergencyModeFlag && slowModeFlag) {
      Serial.println("Device did not recover, emergency stop");
      // call emergency stop function here

  // check if device has recovered from emergency mode
  if (emergencyModeFlag && (millis() - emergencyModeStartTime >= EMERGENCY_MODE_TIME)) {
    if (sampleCount > 0) {
      Serial.println("Device has recovered from emergency mode");
      // call function to exit emergency mode here
      slowModeFlag = false;
      emergencyModeFlag = false;
    } else {
      emergencyModeStartTime = millis();

Based on my knowledge and experience I might be wrong or not fully understand many aspects but at least know my approach works for me :slight_smile:

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