Pulling sensor data into Android phone

Hi All,

I have done very little Arduino programming so this is probably very ambitious. I really would like to get magnetometer, gyro and accelerometer data INTO an Android phone. This is because I want achieve a very steady, accurate AR experience in a particular phone which has no gyro and very bad sensors.

I have come across products like http://www.drotek.fr/shop/en/62-imu-10dof-mpu6050-hmc5883-ms5611.html which look like the kind of hardware I need. I have a choice of Arduino boards here which I have used before. I'm sure any of them will take input from this board. Where do I go from there? Can I make any of my boards ADK compatible, or do I have to get an ADK compatible board? Is it difficult to interface the drotek board to the arduino? Their site gives very little info.


Is it difficult to interface the drotek board to the arduino

The board you linked to talks to Arduino through I2C (SDA, SCL).
To get the data into an Android, the cheapest and simplest solution would be Bluetooth. You can connect a cheap ($7) BT module to Arduino on any digital pin and talk to it using SoftwareSerial.

Thanks for the quick reply. My general rule is that if it can be wired, it should be. I think I will try this out though for testing. Can anyone say how much more complicated it is to do it wired?

To do it wired you have to buy a USB host shield. The coding is a bit more complicated though, I would opt for the bluetooth too.