Question about [SOLVED]

First, don't yell at me for using String class- I didn't write that part and haven't changed the code to C strings yet.
I have been working with a program to read and parse my local weather using the Open Weather Map API and the ArduinoJson library.
When I put the API call into my browser, this is what is returned; a complete weather report (892 characters):

{"cod":"200","message":0,"cnt":2,"list":[{"dt":1572156000,"main":{"temp":40.68,"temp_min":40.68,"temp_max":43.52,"pressure":1027,"sea_level":1027,"grnd_level":1016,"humidity":76,"temp_kf":-1.59},"weather":[{"id":804,"main":"Clouds","description":"overcast clouds","icon":"04n"}],"clouds":{"all":99},"wind":{"speed":1.72,"deg":138},"sys":{"pod":"n"},"dt_txt":"2019-10-27 06:00:00"},{"dt":1572166800,"main":{"temp":42.46,"temp_min":42.46,"temp_max":44.6,"pressure":1024,"sea_level":1024,"grnd_level":1014,"humidity":72,"temp_kf":-1.19},"weather":[{"id":804,"main":"Clouds","description":"overcast clouds","icon":"04n"}],"clouds":{"all":99},"wind":{"speed":3.87,"deg":98},"sys":{"pod":"n"},"dt_txt":"2019-10-27 09:00:00"}],"city":{"id":4955219,"name":"Westford","coord":{"lat":42.0000,"lon":-71.0000},"country":"US","population":21587,"timezone":-14400,"sunrise":1572174768,"sunset":1572212774}}

But, in my code, makehttpRequest(), only gets 537 characters:

{"cod":"200","message":0,"cnt":2,"list":[{"dt":1572156000,"main":{"temp":40.71,"temp_min":40.71,"temp_max":43.52,"pressure":1027,"sea_level":1027,"grnd_level":1016,"humidity":76,"temp_kf":-1.57},"weather":[{"id":804,"main":"Clouds","description":"overcast clouds","icon":"04n"}],"clouds":{"all":99},"wind":{"speed":1.72,"deg":138},"sys":{"pod":"n"},"dt_txt":"2019-10-27 06:00:00"},{"dt":1572166800,"main":{"temp":42.49,"temp_min":42.49,"temp_max":44.6,"pressure":1024,"sea_level":1024,"grnd_level":1014,"humidity":72,"temp_kf":-1.18},"w

As you can see from my debug print statements, I get to "Reading json...", but never get to "Parsing json..."

WiFi Connected
SSID: Kaywinnet
IP Address:
signal strength (RSSI):-74 dBm

connecting to OWM...
Reading json...
{"cod":"200","message":0,"cnt":2,"list":[{"dt":1572156000,"main":{"temp":40.64,"temp_min":40.64,"temp_max":43.52,"pressure":1027,"sea_level":1027,"grnd_level":1016,"humidity":76,"temp_kf":-1.6},"weather":[{"id":804,"main":"Clouds","description":"overcast clouds","icon":"04n"}],"clouds":{"all":99},"wind":{"speed":1.72,"deg":138},"sys":{"pod":"n"},"dt_txt":"2019-10-27 06:00:00"},{"dt":1572166800,"main":{"temp":42.44,"temp_min":42.44,"temp_max":44.6,"pressure":1024,"sea_level":1024,"grnd_level":1014,"humidity":72,"temp_kf":-1.21},"we
connecting to OWM...
Reading json...
{"cod":"200","message":0,"cnt":2,"list":[{"dt":1572156000,"main":{"temp":40.64,"temp_min":40.64,"temp_max":43.52,"pressure":1027,"sea_level":1027,"grnd_level":1016,"humidity":76,"temp_kf":-1.6},"weather":[{"id":804,"main":"Clouds","description":"overcast clouds","icon":"04n"}],"clouds":{"all":99},"wind":{"speed":1.72,"deg":138},"sys":{"pod":"n"},"dt_txt":"2019-10-27 06:00:00"},{"dt":1572166800,"main":{"temp":42.44,"temp_min":42.44,"temp_max":44.6,"pressure":1024,"sea_level":1024,"grnd_level":1014,"humidity":72,"temp_kf":-1.21},"we

My question: Am I doing something wrong in the that I can only get 537 characters?

The sketch:

#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>

char ssid[] = "Kaywinnet";
char pass[] = "806194XXXX";

WiFiClient client;

const char server[] = "";
String nameOfCity = "Westford,US";
String apiKey = "01dfa35f9f31ede6d6f99dXXXXXXXXXX";
String text;

int jsonend = 0;
boolean startJson = false;
int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;


// One minute for testing.  Should be 10 minutes per the API.
unsigned long lastConnectionTime = 1 * 60 * 1000;     // last time you connected to the server
const unsigned long postInterval = 1 * 60 * 1000;  // posting interval 

//============== setup() ==============
void setup() {


  WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  Serial.println("WiFi Connected");

  lastConnectionTime = millis();


//============== loop() ==============
void loop() {
  if (millis() - lastConnectionTime > postInterval) {
    lastConnectionTime = millis();

// ============== printWiFiStatus ==============
// print Wifi status
void printWiFiStatus() {
  Serial.print("SSID: ");

  IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP();
  Serial.print("IP Address: ");

  long rssi = WiFi.RSSI();
  Serial.print("signal strength (RSSI):");
  Serial.println(" dBm");

//============== makeHttpRequest() ==============
// to request data from OWM
void makehttpRequest() {
  int siz = 0;  //Size of json string


  if (client.connect(server, 80)) {
    Serial.println(F("connecting to OWM..."));
    // send the HTTP PUT request:
    client.println("GET /data/2.5/forecast?q=" + nameOfCity + "&APPID=" + apiKey + "&mode=json&units=imperial&cnt=2");
    client.println("User-Agent: ArduinoWiFi/1.1");
    client.println("Connection: close");

    unsigned long timeout = millis();
    while (client.available() == 0) {
      if (millis() - timeout > 5000) {
        Serial.println(F(">>> Client Timeout !"));

    Serial.println(F("Reading json..."));
    char c = 0;
    while (client.available()) {
      c =;
      if (c == '{') {
        startJson = true;         // set startJson true to indicate json message has started
        jsonend++;                // +Count an opening brace
      if (c == '}') {
        jsonend--;                // -Count a closing brace
      if (startJson == true) {
        text += c;
        siz += 1;             // Bump the string size

      // if jsonend = 0 then we have have received equal number of curly braces
      if (jsonend == 0 && startJson == true) {
        Serial.println(F("Parsing json string"));
        Serial.print(F("siz= "));
        parseJson(text.c_str());  // parse 
        text = "";                // clear text string for the next time
        startJson = false;        // Indicate that a new message has not yet started
  else {
    // if no connection was made:
    Serial.println(F("connection failed"));

//============== parseJson() ==============
void parseJson(const char * jsonString) {
  const size_t bufferSize = 2 * JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(1) + JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(2) + 4 * JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(1) + 3 * JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(2) + 3 * JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(4) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(5) + 2 * JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(7) + 2 * JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(8) + 720;
  DynamicJsonDocument doc(bufferSize);

  DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, jsonString);
  if (error) {
    Serial.print(F("deserializeJson() failed with code "));
  JsonArray list = doc["list"];
  JsonObject nowT = list[0];
  JsonObject later = list[1];

  // temperature and humidity 

  String city = doc["city"]["name"];

  float tempNow = nowT["main"]["temp"];
  float humidityNow = nowT["main"]["humidity"];
  String weatherNow = nowT["weather"][0]["description"];

  float tempLater = later["main"]["temp"];
  float humidityLater = later["main"]["humidity"];
  String weatherLater = later["weather"][0]["description"];


I would expect the server to return a header in front of the JSON data. As your output doesn't show such a header there must be an error in a higher layer. As I don't have an API key to test the service myself, you should try it yourself. Don't use a browser to connect but simply "telnet" on your PC. Enter the same data as you have in your sketch as have a look at the returned data. Doesn't it include a HTTP header? Why does your connection not show the same header data?

while (client.available()) {
      c =;

I think that maybe you are processing characters faster than they arrive?

while (client.available() || startJson) {
      if (client.available() == 0)
        continue;  // Try again.
      c =;

If your sketch then works, the problem was exhausting the buffer. If the sketch hangs, the sending side is not sending all of the data for some reason.

Also maybe reserving 5000 bytes for the String is a problem.

Thanks. I do appreciate the reply.

Your response got me to rethinking the API call. By removing the variables in the String building and putting the whole line in the code, I got the whole json object.

client.println("GET /data/2.5/weather?lat=42.559709&lon=-71.449214&APPID=01dfa35f9f31ede6d6f99d8XXXXXXXXXX&units=imperial");

Now, I need to figure out ArduinoJson.... But that would be a new post.