Question about if else and conditional operator ? :


I read this example

int main ()
    int count=1;
    printf( "%s\n", count % 2 ? "****" : "++++++++" );
    return 0;

In this example ¿why I don't need define contador==0 or contador==1? I realized a translation using if and else
my translate is ;

int main ()
    int count=1;
if (count%2==1);
    return 0;


why I don't need define contador==0 or contador==1?

printf( "%s\n", contador % 2 ? "****" : "++++++++" );

uses the ternary function.

It equates to

if (contador % 2 == true)
  print "****" 
  print "++++++++"

Do you understand what the modulo operator ( % ) does ?

this operator divide two entire numbers , take the remainder ;
in the example give 1 or 0 depending if count is odd or even, isn't?

Thanks for the answer !!! you save me from mindblown

Am I the only one to not be able to see a variable called "contador"?

Am I the only one to not be able to see a variable called "contador"?

I took the question that way at first but I think that there is a language problem in the question and he did not write what he meant.

in the example give 1 or 0 depending if count is odd or even, isn't?

Yes, and they are equivalent to true and false so can be tested without the need to test for equality


In this example ¿why I don't need define contador==0 or contador==1? I realized a translation using if and else
my translate is ;

You can use numerical values in statements that expect a true/false value like if and while statements. In those cases, 0 is treated as false and all other numbers are treated as true.

author=UKHeliBob date=1514017782 link=msg=3533743]

printf( "%s\n", contador % 2 ? "****" : "++++++++" );

uses the ternary function.

It equates to

if (contador % 2 == true)

  print "****"
  print "++++++++"

Do you understand what the modulo operator ( % ) does ?

Its not a function, its the conditional expression syntax, which is a distfix operator, and it equates to

if (contador % 2 != 0)
  print "****" 
  print "++++++++"

Boolean values are treated as false if zero, otherwise treated as true. Functions evaluate all their arguments, the conditional expression doesn't.