Hi, got a Arduino Uno with a Sparkfun Spectrum shield hooked up in a car.
The Arduino controls 3 MOSFET transistors based on the audio input from a 3.5 mm cable before it forwards the audio signal out again to the audio player.
And this works great indoors using a simple 12 V
power supply in the AC socket, but when hooked up to the car's 12 V battery the noise goes crazy, so much that its unbearable.
The car has two batteries, one in the engine room, one in the back with the speakers. The Arduino with its MOSFETs is connected to the secondry one, the one reserved for the speakers and it uses its negative terminal as ground, while im pretty certain the audio player uses the one in the engine room.
I though this might be the cause of the problem, in fact, if i had the 3.5 mm cable out and the 12+ connected (so no return ground cable connected) to the Arduino and MOSFETs, it would power them.
So i bought an ground isolator or stereo line transformator, one that should stop ground looping and give complete DC seperation, but it didnt help. Still crazy noise.
So, is the problem that the MOSFETs and Arduino uses the battery's negative terminal as ground when i should just use a cable to the chassis as ground instead? If this was the case i was sure the ground isolator would have worked...
But it makes sense, engine room battery is the reference for the audio player while the arduino uses another ground as reference, producing noise. Or am i completely wrong and everything is wrong??
Thanks in advance