For a project, I am planning on 3d printing a car with an arduino uno and breadboard on top. My plan is to have a physical button on the breadboard and when the button is pressed, there is a delay of a determined time before allowing power into 2 seperate DC motors so that they spin in the same direction, speed, and for a predetermined amount of time. I fooled around with the 'delay' command, but i was wondering how i would structure it so no power would go to motors until the button is pressed, and having a delay after the button is pressed after which follows powering of the motors for a time of my choosing.
The code should not be that complicated I think, I'm just looking for guidance for a place to start.
This is what I have so far, and the DC motor only spins if i press the button. I don't know how I would add a second motor relayed to the same button and make the button have the functions listed previously.