Question regarding Arduino reset pull-up resistor value


The ardunio mini pro use 10k resistor to pull up reset pin, but according to Atmega328p data sheet, the minimum value for reset pull-up resistor should be 30k (max is 60k).

I know 10k works well, but wouldn't using 30k as recommended in data sheet save more power ?

It is not recommended value but value of built-in resistor on pin.

No current is flowing through the pullup resistor anyway, except while you're pushing the reset button. It has no impact on power usage.

The internal pullup is a "weak pullup", on the order of 30K to 50K ohms.
Atmel recommends a 10K resistor for noisy environments.
See AVR042: AVR Hardware Design Considerations

And the current into an input pin is next to nothing - 1uA (0.000001A) Max.