Hello i followd this tutorial : DIY Steering Wheel Pedals H-Shifter - Arduino | Part 1 - YouTube but it will not work i tried with a normal arduino encoder this works but my encoder
will not work i use Red=5v Black=GND white and green = Data
but the shilding is over i tried if this is ground but no stil didnt work for me
The ad says "NPN open collector output type" so you have to use INPUT_PULLUP inputs or external pull-up resistors.
i only conected it like i sad with no resistor or somthing strait into the arduino leonardo
What is running on the Leonardo? You either need to enable the internal pull-up resistors or use eternal pull-up resistors (typically 10k Ohms).
what can i do idk enything about this . on the leonardo it runs the xloader programm but i have a 10k resistor what should i do whit it ?
how do i have to connect the resistor ?
Hello i have a other topic an need help with the pullup resistor for an rotary encoder how do i connect the 10k resitor / s to my encoder
Red= 5v ; black = GND ; Green + White = Data ;
data is on rx and tx pin on the arduino
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Your second question is obviously a continuation of your first. Please do not start multiple topics on the same subject.
Thank you.
ok sorry didnt know that thanks
how do i connect the 10k resitor / s to my encoder
Use INPUT_PULLUP as pin mode. You may not need external resistors.
data is on rx and tx pin on the arduino
The Serial1 pins are very poor choices for the the data pins.
You may want to be using interrupt pins.
Please post your code.
ok but the code is a projekt from a other person and is in hex so i cant just redefin the pins thats why i need it . thats the post here you can read about the project :
I suggest you contact that person.
You have not provided you with enough information for help on this forum other than to use INPUT_PULLUP or connect a 10K resistor from your input pins to 5V.
Indeed pins 0 and 1 are external interrupt pins on the Leonardo, so they are OK for the encoder inputs.
so i wrote a post at the forum now we wait
Using an external pullup-resistor.
is this save for my encoder because thay say dont connect to vcc or your burn out triode and idk what this scimatic sais can you pls discribe if possible
If you have almost no experience with electronics there are two ways:
- learn about electronics
- go buy a ready to use and well tested professional product
the microcontroller-world is not superstandardised like USB-devices
You have to take care of more details than just
"does the plug fit into the socket?"
minimum is that
provide a datasheet to your encoder
even the best electronic expert can't say exactly how to connect it without the datasheet
best regards Stefan
jes but the real problem is that there is no datasheet i only know from google translate a view thing like, it an Encoder with 2 phases A and B, A = Green ; B = White ; Black = GND ; Red = 5v.
secondly how i´n only know somting if i reserch idk what i should serch for and that why i whant your usefull help
ist an normal encoder without enything only an encoder