Read a PWM Signal....

Howdy, Y'all!
I am trying to read the PWM signal, which can be a variable speed signal, from another Arduino, so I can match the PWM signal. I want to match, or sync the signal to the same PWM it on another motor, at least close enough so I can emulate, and drive a different motor, separate from the monitored one, and speed match it as close as possible. I want to be able to slow the second motor down from the matched speed,in steps, until it stops. How would I do this, as simple as possible?
Thanks in advance for your help....


Why not use pulseIn() command to measure the High and Low time amounts to determine pulse width (duty cycle) and period/frequency?

Why not use pulseIn() command to measure the High and Low time amounts to determine pulse width (duty cycle) and period/frequency?

Howdy! I thought of that, but, needed to hear from someone with experience. I'm the average user. Retired, not retarded, so I ask, it saves TIME, and FRUSTRATIONS. lol!!!

I will try using it this weekend, and see what I can come up with. I certainly may need help with the coding of it. I would like to match the motor speed of one motor, and then slow it down, after it matches speed. Hopefully, I can make it a bit adjustable for tuning it to the correct slow down cycle, and slowly stop the motor.

Also, Could this method be used to simulate a "dynamic Brake", controlled by the second motor controller.?(Most likely both Arduino's).

Thanks for your input! I appreciate any ones help on this. I am hoping to figure this out within the next few days...

Y'all Take care now, Ya hear??? :wink: