(Apologies, just realised this is not the right sub-forum, but i cannot find an option to delete the post)
I have created a small sketch to control my boiler that takes input from the serial monitor in Arduino IDE.
The user can input 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). Anything else does nothing and prompts a message.
This is my code:
#define rfSendPin 4
#define ledPin 13 //Onboard LED = digital pin 13
// These are the duration of the HIGHs and LOWs [1, 0, 1, 0, ...]
int times_on[55] = {667, 438, 531, 438, 542, 438, 531, 438, 531, 438, 500, 469, 1010, 1479, 1042, 1010, 969, 531, 531, 531, 531, 938, 573, 500, 938, 531, 531, 531, 531, 938, 531, 531, 531, 531, 531, 531, 531, 531, 948, 1010, 531, 531, 531, 531, 531, 531, 531, 531, 906, 531, 531, 969, 969, 969, 969};
int times_off[55] = {667, 438, 573, 417, 604, 417, 542, 448, 510, 479, 510, 479, 958, 1500, 1021, 1021, 1021, 573, 573, 479, 542, 875, 573, 448, 958, 542, 542, 510, 510, 875, 604, 542, 510, 479, 542, 479, 510, 479, 542, 479, 542, 479, 510, 479, 542, 510, 542, 510, 958, 990, 958, 1021, 958, 958, 958};
bool sign = HIGH;
bool sent = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(rfSendPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
int command;
if (Serial.available()) {
command = receiveCommand();
if (command != -999) {
} else
Serial.println("Please input 1 (ON) or 0 (OFF)");
int receiveCommand() {
char receivedChar;
receivedChar = Serial.read();
if (receivedChar != 48 && receivedChar != 49) {
return -999;
} else
return receivedChar - '0';
return -1;
void controlBoiler(int command) {
Serial.print("Turning boiler ");
// Serial.print(command);
if (command == 1) {
int repeat = 1;
while (repeat < 4) {
// Start with a low signal for second
digitalWrite(rfSendPin, LOW);
// Send the raw signal
for (int8_t i = 0; i < 55; i++) {
digitalWrite(rfSendPin, sign);
if (command == 1) {
sign = !sign;
repeat += 1;
The code works fine, but the message 'Please input 1 (ON) or 0 (OFF)' is repeated twice when 1 or 0 is input and three times when a wrong character is input.
I guess it depends on other characters being present in the serial buffer? Maybe Carriage Return (13)?
How can I read just one character and flush the buffer? Is using Serial.read() the right thing to do?