Reading a schematics properly to define pins

Hi. I have this schematics diagram of this board I am using and cannot figure out/don't know how to properly identify pins in order to define and/or use them. My code relies on the X+,Y-, X+, Y- pins and I successfully used them on a feather but they needed defining... In this schematics, are they not already defined in the lower middle picture? I tried:

#define YP 2 
#define XM 3
#define YM 4
#define XP 5

and that didn't work. I also tried a few others (ie- YP 18, XM 2... ) and got some life but couldn't make out a pattern. I just know that, from what I understand, both YP and XM NEED to be digital pins while YM and XP can be defined on digital or analog pins...

ESP32_TFT_Touch_with_camera(3.5''_ili9488)_sch.pdf (1.4 MB)

named pins are not connected to any esp32 chip/board.
from connector P5 pins1-4 they go to
NS2009 ( The NS2009 is a 4-wire resistive touch screen controller with I2C Interface, includes 12-bit resolution A / D converter.)
XPT2048 (The XPT2046 is a 4-wire resistive touch screen controller with SPI Interface that incorporates a 12-bit 125 kHz sampling SAR type. A/D converter.)

So what does that mean in relation to my code? I have never dealt with this complex seeming of a board. How do I talk to the NS2009 or XPT2048/I am using the named pins in my code... Do I just declare them or something?

// #include <MIDI.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>

#define SerialMon Serial
#include <AppleMIDI_Debug.h>

#include <AppleMIDI.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "TouchScreen.h"

// MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial, midiInterface);  // Declare the midiInterface

char ssid[] = "HOME-115";        // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "lucyhope"; // your network password (use for WPA, or use as key for WEP)

const int DEBOUNCE_DELAY = 50;   // the debounce time; increase if the output flickers

// #define YP 33 
// #define XM 32 
// #define YM 22
// #define XP 23

#define YP 34
#define XM 33
#define YM 4
#define XP 5

// #define YP 18 
// #define XM 19
// #define YM 4
// #define XP 5

// Initialize the touch screen
TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, 300);

// more variables
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned long lastDebounceTime = 0;  // the last time the output pin was toggled
unsigned long t0 = millis();
int8_t isConnected = 0;
int touchMemory = false;


void setup() {
  WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    DBG("Establishing connection to WiFi..");
  DBG("Connected to network");

  DBG(F("OK, now make sure you an rtpMIDI session that is Enabled"));
  DBG(F("Add device named Arduino with Host"), WiFi.localIP(), "Port", AppleMIDI.getPort(), "(Name", AppleMIDI.getName(), ")");
  DBG(F("Select and then press the Connect button"));
  DBG(F("Then open a MIDI listener and monitor incoming notes"));
  DBG(F("Listen to incoming MIDI commands"));


  AppleMIDI.setHandleConnected([](const APPLEMIDI_NAMESPACE::ssrc_t & ssrc, const char* name) {
    DBG(F("Connected to session"), ssrc, name);
  AppleMIDI.setHandleDisconnected([](const APPLEMIDI_NAMESPACE::ssrc_t & ssrc) {
    DBG(F("Disconnected"), ssrc);

void loop() {;
  // A point object holds x, y, and z (pressure) coordinates
  TSPoint p = ts.getPoint();

  // Translate the x and y values to MIDI range (0-127)
  int midiX = map(p.x, -3072, 0, 0, 127);
  int midiY = map(p.y, 0, 1023, 0, 127);

  byte touchStatus;
  if (p.x > -3072 && p.x < 0 && p.y > 0 && p.y < 1023) { 
    touchStatus = 127;
  } else {
    touchStatus = 0;

  byte channel = 6;   // MIDI channel (0 is Channel 1 in MIDI terms)
  byte ccX = 10;      // Continuous Controller number for X
  byte ccY = 11;      // Continuous Controller number for Y
  byte ccTouchStatus = 12; // Continuous Controller number for touch status

  if (touchStatus == 127) {
    Serial.print("X = "); Serial.print(midiX);
    MIDI.sendControlChange(ccX, midiX, channel);
    Serial.print("\tY = "); Serial.println(midiY);
    MIDI.sendControlChange(ccY, midiY, channel);
    MIDI.sendControlChange(ccTouchStatus, touchStatus, channel);
    touchMemory = true;
  } else if (touchStatus == 0 && touchMemory == true ) {
    // add anything that should shut off later
    MIDI.sendControlChange(ccTouchStatus, touchStatus, channel);
    touchMemory = false;


probably nothing, at least with touch sensor part. you need Wire.h or special lib to communicate with that chips.

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