Do you have access to a pencil, some paper, and a scanner? A lot of multi-function printers these days also scan. Or how about a Paint program where you can draw your schematic?
The datasheet quotes Vcc as being from 2.3 to 3.6V.
The absolute maximum rating for Vcc is 6V. Possibly running it at 5V would be OK, however it exceeds the quoted input voltage range.
If you supply 5V to it, you won't need the level converter (I don't think). However you would be operating outside recommended voltages if you do, so don't complain to me if it doesn't work. The level converter would be the safer option.
and it sometimes gives me correct respons.
for example in 2000 sketch ciyle it gives me correct answer in 2 time and incorrect in 1998 time.
ciyle count is changing sometimes it is 10 or 1500 or 15434 ... etc insted of 2000
on 64 no result but i set smallest value SPI.setClockDivider (SPI_CLOCK_DIV2); and in 10 cycle average 4 or 5 response is correct,can i set clockdivider less when 2?