I'd like to introduce reaDIYboot, a bootloader for the ATmega1280 which is able to use a WiFly module to download a hex file, parse it and write its content to the Flash memory.
I've successfully tested it with sketches as large as 128kB at a baudrate of 250,000 baud.
But that's not all, the regular STK500 protocol is implemented aswell so you can still plug your board to the computer and click Upload in Arduino IDE! XD
I mean we could try - I have a few tricks in mind that would help reduce the code size - but right now reaDIYboot is quite close to the 4kB boundary so it won't be easy to make it fit in the 2kB NRWW section of an ATmega328.
I mean we could try - I have a few tricks in mind that would help reduce the code size - but right now reaDIYboot is quite close to the 4kB boundary so it won't be easy to make it fit in the 2kB NRWW section of an ATmega328.
Ah - I thought something like that might be an issue; I was just curious (I don't have a stake in such a thing existing - though I imagine some would love it)... Thanks for sharing!
Wow, great idea, especially with the recent popularity of the awesome RN-XV, which is the Xbee-sized variant of the Wifly module: http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10822.
And well-written instructions on the project Github page. I'm definitely trying this out this weekend.