recursive bubble sort help

i can't get my head round it so i need some help with my project which is sort an array of 50 items then display the largest numbers in LED's.

  int num[50];

    void setup()
      pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(3, OUTPUT);

    void loop()

    void reset()
      digitalWrite(10, LOW);
      digitalWrite(9, LOW);
      digitalWrite(8, LOW);
      digitalWrite(7, LOW);
      digitalWrite(6, LOW);
      digitalWrite(5, LOW);
      digitalWrite(4, LOW);
      digitalWrite(3, LOW);

    void numberGen()
      for( int i = 0 ; i < 50 ; i++ )
        num[i] = random(256);

    void numberSort()
      int sizeOfArray = sizeof(num)/sizeof(int);
      int expect = 1;
      if ( expect != 0 )
        expect = 0;
        for( int a = 0 ; a < sizeOfArray ; a++ )
          for ( int b = 1 ; b < sizeOfArray ; b++ )
            if( num[b-1] > num[b] )
              int temp = num[b-1];
              num[b-1] = num[b];
              num[b] = temp;
    expect = 0;
        for( int i = 0 ; i < sizeOfArray ; i++ )
          for ( int j = 1 ; j < sizeOfArray ; j++ )
            if( num[j-1] > num[j] )
              int temp = num[j-1];
              num[j-1] = num[j];
              num[j] = temp;

    void numberDisplay()
       int i = 10;
       int a = num[50];
       while ( a > 0 )
         int num = a % 2;
         a = a / 2;
         if( num == 1 )
           digitalWrite(i, HIGH);
           digitalWrite(i, LOW);

I know that code does not work as when it loops round count is reset to 1 so the condition will never be true thus meaning it will loop round forever and ever. and my binary conversion is wrong here is an example a friend told me of how mine goes and how it should go:

Your binary conversion doesn't work though... this is your
numberDisplay() code. Here's an example. If you step through it with
the number as 13.

i = 12
a = 13

while a > 0
num = 1
a = 6

turn pin 12 on

i = 11
num = 0
a = 3

turn pin 11 off

i = 10
num = 1
a = 1

turn pin 10 on

i = 9
num = 1
a = 0

turn pin 9 on

Result: 000000000101

This is 5 in binary, not 13. Also, this only displays the number at
position 50 in the array. You need to display every number in the

also he said "Is the second part of numberSort left in by mistake? You close the
function, and then have some more code after it... the loops with i
and j are outside of the numberSort function."

please could someone help me with what i'm trying to do been at it for days and still no luck.

Bubble sort algo is much simpler:

Recursion on a microcontroller (unless it's a powerful one) is a nono.

Every time you recurse down into the function it pushes another load of data onto the stack - registers, program counter, parameters, local variables, etc.

The AVR has very limited space for stack, so recursive functions often cause crashes and memory exhaustion.

In theory you can make any iterative algorithm into a recursive one and vice-versa, but why would you make bubble sort recursive, when it is so easy to describe it as iterative? If you really want to use recursion, use quick sort (although not advisable for microcontrollers, as majenko noted):

I really don't see the point of this bit:

 int sizeOfArray = sizeof(num)/sizeof(int);
      int expect = 1;
      if ( expect != 0 )

because the size of the array is a constant, so just a waste of stack-space, and I would hope that the compiler will simply optimise away the comparison.

"To iterate is Human, to recurse, Divine"