Removing unwanted character on LCD

Anyone have a trick to remove unwanted character on a LCD. I've just been overwriting them but sometimes i just cant do that.

What kind of unwanted characters? What kind of LCD? What is your code? What is your application?

Call the police and tell them you have a stalker.

But seriously LCD.clear() usually does the trick.

Call the police and tell them you have a stalker.

But seriously LCD.clear() usually does the trick.

lol Ok thanks
Do you know of a way to clear just one line or column?

Clear one line is the same as write spaces in the complete line.

Just print a space in that position. Something that's very common is to write values with added spaces on the end, so when overwriting a shorter value, your trailing space will remove the old one.

Just print a space in that position. Something that's very common is to write values with added spaces on the end, so when overwriting a shorter value, your trailing space will remove the old one.

I have see that before on several examples and now I know why they do it.

Thanks guys have a nice one.

... sometimes i just cant do that.

Could you share a real example?

Could you share a real example?

Sorry, this is what i did to clear on old value. Just write over it. Most of the time it will work....

  bedval = analogRead(cutspeed);            // reads the value of the potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023) 
  bedval = map(bedval, 0, 1023, 0, 100);     // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180) 
  bedservo.write(bedval);                  // sets the servo position according to the scaled value 
  lcd.setCursor(14,3); // prints Stop on LCD & clear for new
  lcd.print(" ");          // overwrite old value

Could you share a real example?

OK, I was not too clear. Please share an example when writing over the LCD character does not work or cannot be used.
LCD is relatively slow device, so I would guess it is not a matter of the rest of the application / code running out of real time.