Repeat case in a loop


the code shown below is part of a bigger code. The completed code has four cases and I would like to add a 5th one which is the one shown below. I did get some help in getting this far with this particular case from this forum. This works ok when it stands alone. However, when I include it as part of a case it only runs once. I would like to get it to repeat 5 times and then stop.

Any ideas as to how I can do that?

#include <Servo.h>
Servo s5;
const byte buttonPin = 2;
byte currentButtonState;
byte previousButtonState = HIGH;
unsigned long buttonPressTime;
unsigned long currentTime;
unsigned long waitPeriod = 2000;
boolean timing = false;

int COUNT = 1;
int buzzerPin = 9;
int counter;
int var;
void setup()
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop()
  currentTime = millis();
  previousButtonState = currentButtonState;
  currentButtonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);

  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    char data =; // reading the data received from the bluetooth module
    switch (data)
      case '1':
        Serial.println("\nTiming started");
        buttonPressTime = currentTime;
        timing = true;

  if (currentButtonState != previousButtonState && currentButtonState == HIGH)     //input gone HIGH
    timing = false;
  if ((currentTime - buttonPressTime >= waitPeriod) && timing && currentButtonState == LOW)
    timing = false;

when I include it as part of a case it only runs once

Please post the complete program that you tried

Code for a case will run each time through loop() as long as the switch variable does not change