I've been searching the net for this type of device, and after finding something close with the Arduino devices, I thought I'd ask here.
I have remotes and I have garage doors, The doors work, but not with the remotes I have (and yes, they are not as programmable as I'd hoped). I'd like a device to act as an interface between the remotes and the doors.
Reasoning: I'd like the remotes in my wife's car to remain useful.
If I could get some guidance as to where to look and perhaps who to talk to about this, please let me know.
Thank you,
Basic remotes and doors use 433MHz radio. The transmitters and receivers can be purchased really cheaply and attached to Arduinos to transmit or receive anything. The basic system has a row of switches in the transmitter that set the pattern of bits to be transmitted and the receiver compares this sequence to its switch positions.
You mention a car with a transmitter. That doesn't have switches but it can learn the pattern from an operating transmitter.
Personally I would not use such a system as it is so easily copied. The learning remotes are not expensive and anyone can buy (or steal) them from a store.
Advanced systems use the same radio frequency but the code changes every time you press the button. A copy of the code won't open the door again.
I have 2 garages, 3 doors to open. I agree that the setup I'm talking about would be easily compromised. What would your suggestion be? I need a solution that's not overly complicated, but as simple as possible - if that's possible.
Thanks for your reply!
Knowing what remotes you have and why they cannot open the doors will help people here to figure a solution out
if the remove in the car is embedded. like in the visor or some such, it is programmable. you can get a simple remote with both a key fob and a receiver from Home Depot for not too much money.
if you want slick, you can get an internet connection and use your phone. not sure if you want that.