Replacement Of Rasberry-pi with Arduino for specific project

Is that(Digital Holographic Microscope V1 - YouTube) can be replaceable with Arduino as an alternative of raspberry pi.

No. I haven't seen a camera on an Arduino. Maybe the ESP32CAM module which you can program using the Arduino IDE.

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Can you do that code provided in my question - Those two tutorials.I am talking about.

Most of the software on the downloads page is written in Python. AFAIK there isn't a Python compiler for Arduino which would be a bit of a problem!

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Could you please send that? Experimental replication of those project? Even it is raspberry Pi as there might be not any forum like Arduino

send what?
Are you open your own links?
See the description below Youtube video at your first link - you can find three links to related software there.

I am asking about dumping the code into Rasberry pi & the hardware connection is aligned with the code. Mostly for 2nd link.
How to dump the code into Rasberry pi? That might be GUI.

Oh for heaven's sake!

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it was answered in #2

Are you sure yourself what you asked? :slight_smile:

Your question seems to evolve with every post!! Why not use an R-Pi as an alternative to Arduino? I'm afraid that we aren't mind readers here.

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Please do not hide your posts because it breaks the logic of the discussion.
Especially since all your "erased" posts remain visible and can be read if you click on the edit icon :slight_smile: