Reset timer

Hello guys, does anyone know how can i reset the time in Arduino? For example, i want my program running a period of time, e.g one minute, stopping and starting all over again automatically?That's what i used so far:

long interval = 60000;

void setup() {


void loop(){

t = millis;

while(millis()- t <= interval)

//do something;


The problem i face is that the program,which it's in brackets, is running, only, one minute and then stops forever. >:( >:(

void setup() {}

void loop() {

  //do something;


This program runs 1 minute, stopps and restarts immediately.

Just an empty sketch? hahaha

It's your specification.

For example, i want my program running a period of time, e.g one minute, stopping and starting all over again automatically?

Of course but i was referred about the code in brackets , which it's inside the while loop.That code runs for a minute and doesn't restart.

The same code is running in my loop and restarts automatically.

Dunno , the values from an analog temperature sensor that are printed in my serial monitor , they , completely, stop after one minute.

I can give you an example with a little different specification.

Button on pin 2 (closing to GND) starts the process,
here flash the builtin LED for 10 seconds with 100 ms on and 100 ms off.

After the 10 seconds this can be restarted.

#include <Bounce2.h>

const unsigned long duration = 10000;
const unsigned int blinkFor = 100;
const byte buttonPin = 2;
Bounce Start;

void setup() {
  Start.attach(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

void loop() {
  static unsigned long startTime;
  static unsigned long blinkTime;
  static bool idle = true;
  unsigned long topLoop = millis();
  if (idle) {
    if (Start.update()) {
      if (Start.fell()) {
        startTime = topLoop;
        idle = false;
        digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
  } else if (topLoop - startTime >= duration) {
    idle = true;
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
  } else {
    if (topLoop - blinkTime >= blinkFor) {
      blinkTime = topLoop;
      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, !digitalRead(LED_BUILTIN));