I want to run an atmega328p on a breadboard with a ftdi adapter on a 14.7456mhz clock (to have 921600 stable serial communication) and I have an issue.
I downloaded the library 'minicore' which include a lot of custom clock compatible for the Atmega328P.
What I succefully manage to :
-I can burn a bootloader using another arduino as isp
-I can burn the sketch using another arduino as isp
My current issue :
After I've burnt the bootloader+sktech to the Atmega328P using the programmer, I disconnect the programmer from the computer and plug the ftdi adapter of the breadboard to power up the project as normal.
I dont manage to get any serial commucation if the arduino programmer is unplugged from the isp port.
If the arduino programmer is still wired on the isp port, I manage to communicate on baudrate 115200 only.
Do someone ever had issue similar to this ? My breadboard atmega328p doesnt works if the programmer is unplugged from the breadboard
My current wiring :
-I have a 10k ohm pull-up resistor on the reset
-I dont have anything wired to Aref and Avcc
My current board settings :
Board type : Atmega328
Bootloader : Yes/No (tried both)
Variant: 328P / 328PA
BOD : tried all BOD included disabled
Clock : 14.7456mhz
LTO : disabled (also tried enabled)