Rev 1 versus Rev 2 boards

Is there a way to tell just by looking if a Portenta H7 board is a Rev1 versus a Rev2 version?

Hi @rs77can ,

Thank you for reaching out.

The aesthetic difference can be visualized at two levels. The word 'REV 2' is mentioned on the packaging of the Portenta H7 REV2, as shown in the attached Figure_1.

On the other hand, we can differentiate between the two boards by noticing the difference in the distribution of the components on the boards, as illustrated in Figure_2.

I hope this will be useful for you.



But, that's kind of weird.

I confirmed that with the pictures above, I have x4 rev 2 boards.

I have 3 test designs running, and 2 of them keep track of time accurately, and one is off by a percentage that would be present if it was using the internal 32kHz clock instead of the external 32.768 kHz one (the latter only enabled enabled in Rev 2 boards).

The same code is running in all 3 units.

Not sure why that is the case.

Hi @rs77can !

You can try to check if this case is related specifically to one of the boards you are using.

Otherwise, there may be details that differ between the test designs, even though you say it's the same code.
