Reverse Engineering & Arduino specifically the MPC Button kit? Yay or Na

hello all

So i have been searching for a button solution for my midi controller. My first idea was to use arcade buttons and decided not to becaue i dont like the feel of them after using a MPC and Trigger Finger Pro for so long. I am wondering if this MPC pad replacement kit can work with the arduino providing i can get my hands on the connector for the ribbon? is this possible for the Arduino?

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

The Pad Replacment Kit.

Installation process for the replacement MPC kit. I added this in hopes that it shows some sort of information that can help.

Seems expensive ($US 195). How big are they?

So i have been searching for a button solution for my midi controller

What do you mean?

it comes as a section of 16. each pad is 33mm X 33mm and a firm rubber good for pounding on.