RFID Lock with Arduino

Hi Guys

I'm completly new to this and would love some help,
We are a youth club, and i'm looking to make our own locks for Phone Charging.

i'm looking to make a lock with a single button on it, when this button is pressed, the lock will scan and save the next RFID card used on it, and then will only unlock the next time that specific RFID card is scanned on that lock.
After unlocking it should delete the saved RFID card, and be ready to scan a new card next time someone presses the lock button.
And then we will also need a "master RFID card" too, that will always unlock the locks.

I'm thinking i can follow this guide pretty much, but the coding just needs to be different, i'm i totally off or what?

Anyone that can help us with what we need for this to work?
Thank you guys in advance.

We can pay for the help if needed.

I don't think you need the button.

  Read a card.

  if (the lock is currently unlocked)
    Lock and remember the card
  if (the lock is currently locked and the card is the remembered card)
    Unlock and forget the remembered card.
  if (the lock is currently locked and the card is the master card)
    Unlock and forget the remembered card.

alright, yeah the button should not be nessesary.
and i know the "ifs" and "else", but i need the actual code for it, i can't do that my self sadly.

You can't even try?

Does the example you pointed to not show you how to "Read a card"? Just copy that code into your sketch.

Does it not show how to compare the read card to a known card?

Does it lock and unlock something?

it does have an exemple, but i have absolutely no idea what any of it means, since its the first time for me doing anything with arduino, and as i said in the first post, im new to this.

I have tried, but since i don't know how any of it works, im here asking for help.
i have been working in IT for 10+ years, and if people come to me for help, its because they can't do it them self, which is why im here.

but if you think its a better use of our time to do this, instead of just helping me with the code, then i don't need your help, thank you tho.

And you have apparently just talked yourself out of further assistance. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I'm so sorry you are feeling this way, but getting met with, "you can't even try" is just not the way to do it?
I have obviously tired, and found out that i don't have the skills my self to do it, and therefor im looking to get some help, then hes being condescending with the next 3 questions too.
all of which he obviously knows is said in the video, but non of which is awnsering my question, so no help there, just putting me down.
hes telling me to just copy some code, sure i can do that, but it would not make it do what i need it to do, so again, no help, just being condescending.
So for people who don't know this guy, it looks like hes just here looking for a fight, or farm some karma.

i put all the cards on the table in the first post, that i have no idea how it works, but getting told to find out my self is not helping.

i'm just asking a simple question, "i'm i totally off or what on following the guide"
and "that i would have to change the code for it to work for what im asking"

later questions would ofc be help with the coding, since like i said, i have no idea how it works, but this guy is just being condescending right away, so ofc i get defensive.

So i'm simply asking the guy, not to "help" if hes way of helping is done this way.

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