RJ14 (4 strand) telephone wire to connect Nano to L298M

Overview: Two project boxes, with the first containing a nano, pots, switches, and displays for basic control, and the second separated by some distance (3 feet?) containing an L298N motor controller and a stepper motor.

Can I use an RJ14 (4 strand) telephone cable to connect the two together? I've seen similar posts, but am unsure if the answers would apply here.

I am an experienced programmer, but very inexperienced with respect to electrical engineering.

Many thanks in advance, for any tips or suggestions.

Where is the power supply?

"telephone wire" is not designed to carry any significant current...

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For the signal lines (IN1,N2, etc), YES.
For the power and/or motor, NO

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remember you'll need a common ground reference ...

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Each project box will have its own power supply...the RJ14 is meant to pass just the control information (IN1-IN4, for the L298N).

EXCELLENT! It was the signal lines only that I was plan on connecting. Each project box is to have their own power...nothing but signal going between the two boxes.

Thanks for the quick reply.

That's 4 wires for the signals, you need another wire for ground.

See Common ground and why you need one


Hmm...googling...thanks for the tip.

I was planning on both being powered from AC Wall Warts (12V?) Does this satisfy the common ground reference that you describe?

Separate AC Wall Warts?
Almost certainly not.


And the forum serves its purpose...not only answered my question, but quickly answered another issue that I didn't realize needed asking.

Reading through the link about "Common ground and why you need one".


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Maybe use ethernet cable & RJ45 instead? :thinking:

Might even be cheaper!

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Good idea!


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