I teach design grades 7-10 (12-16 year olds) and I am looking to start a 1 month (20-22 classes section of robotics as part of my course. I have a couple questions regarding feasibility and builds.
Would a simple introduction to robotics, programming, and design and a goal of using sensors and programming to complete a maze using or sumo challenge be realistic in the time allotted?
What would you recommend in terms of builds for $150 USD or under per robot?
It very much depends on the previous curricula, knowledge and skills. These pre-existing circumstances impact the planning, which is crucial. At the end of the course every single students must have the robot completed, otherwise they will hate robotics. Kids want completed toys :-). Plan for plenty of buffer time and check the timing yourself before starting the class.
Following the above, I dare to say that having simple and low cost hardware is crucial.
Would a simple introduction to robotics, programming, and design and a goal of using sensors and programming to complete a maze using or sumo challenge be realistic in the time allotted?
of course you need to learn avoidtacle, using ultrasonic sensors with 2 DC motors.
check this page for the tutorial.