I have project remote controlled robotic hand with arduino
I already used flex sensor for the fingers
but I need to move the wrist also
can any one help me
I have project remote controlled robotic hand with arduino
I already used flex sensor for the fingers
but I need to move the wrist also
can any one help me
You want us to supply a full project complete with hardware, electronics and program?
If not, please let us know what hardware you are using, what electronics you have and what you want the program to do.
What is your electronics and programming experience?
We cannot help with such limited information.
a functional hand that will mimic my hand movements through the use of a glove with flex sensors attached to it.
and more information about the project here
the project above is just for fingers I want the robotic hand move to the right and lift
What parts have you got? What do you want us to HELP you with? Note we will not do the project for you. We will endeavour to help you when you have a problem.
We expect you to come up with ideas and code to start with. We will help debug once you have made an effort.
Is this a school project?