RPLIDAR A1 - Connection with Arduino Due

Hello there,

I'm trying to use an RPLIDAR A1 with my Arduino Due. I used the Robopeaks Arduino Library and started coding with the "simple connect" example out of this library.

I copied the measurements out of the serial monitor and tried to plot in in Excel but the results are a bit frustrating, as you can see. There are many incorrect points, even 20 m far away. Zooming in, I get my room but still many wrong points.
There is also something wrong with the angles because they aren't increasing as they should...

Distance Angle
5839,50 150,83
5077,75 124,16
12495,50 42,36
14613,25 370,16
3973,50 40,67
1395,00 180,36
5932,25 124,17
6179,25 125,23
1568,75 194,34
1601,00 198,19
1665,00 202,00
8911,50 54,86
1592,25 211,00
1500,00 212,31

Maybe someone could look at my code and give me a hint...

Thanks :confused:

   1. Download this sketch code to your Arduino board
   2. Connect the RPLIDAR's serial port (RX/TX/GND) to your Arduino board (Pin 0 and Pin1)
   3. Connect the RPLIDAR's motor ctrl pin to the Arduino board pin 3

// This sketch code is based on the RPLIDAR driver library provided by RoboPeak
#include <RPLidar.h>

// You need to create an driver instance
RPLidar lidar;

// The PWM pin for control the speed of RPLIDAR's motor.
// This pin should connected with the RPLIDAR's MOTOCTRL signal

bool transmit = false;
byte incomingByte;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;

void setup()
  // bind the RPLIDAR driver to the arduino hardware serial

  // initialize both serial ports:
  Serial.begin(115200);    // Initialize Native USB port

  // set pin modes
  analogWrite(RPLIDAR_MOTOR, 255);

void loop() {
  if (IS_OK(lidar.waitPoint()))
    float distance = lidar.getCurrentPoint().distance; //distance value in mm unit
    float angle    = lidar.getCurrentPoint().angle; //anglue value in degree
    bool  startBit = lidar.getCurrentPoint().startBit; //whether this point is belong to a new scan
    byte  quality  = lidar.getCurrentPoint().quality; //quality of the current measurement

    if (Serial.available() > 0)
      incomingByte = Serial.read();
      transmit = !transmit;

    //Serial.print("dist: ");
    //Serial.print("\tangle: ");
    //Serial.print("\tsbit: ");
    //Serial.print("\tquality: ");


    analogWrite(RPLIDAR_MOTOR, 0); //stop the rplidar motor

    // try to detect RPLIDAR...
    rplidar_response_device_info_t info;
    if (IS_OK(lidar.getDeviceInfo(info, 100)))
      // detected...

      // start motor rotating at max allowed speed
      analogWrite(RPLIDAR_MOTOR, 255);

rplidar_arduino_library.zip (21.6 KB)

rplidar_a1_connect.ino (2.2 KB)