SAM-BA operation failed

Hi Guys,

I've been using an Arduino Due for a while without problems. All of a sudden I can't upload a sketch anymore and it seems like he doesn't recognize the board anymore:

Arduino: 1.6.12 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino Due (Programming Port)"

Sketch uses 22,356 bytes (4%) of program storage space. Maximum is 524,288 bytes.
Forcing reset using 1200bps open/close on port COM13
C:\Users\jeroen\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\tools\bossac\1.6.1-arduino/bossac.exe -i -d --port=COM13 -U false -e -w -v -b C:\Users\jeroen\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_299963/Ultrasound.ino.bin -R 
Send auto-baud

Set binary mode
SAM-BA operation failed
version()=v1.1 Dec 15 2010 19:25:04
Connected at 115200 baud
Atmel SMART device 0x285e0a60 found
An error occurred while uploading the sketch"

I've read some other topics about this problem but they had a series of mysterious answers like 'switched mouse and it worked" or "cleaned my arduino and it worked" or "disconnected serial communication and it worked". I've tried all of these but nothing helps.

I hope you have some ideas. Another thing i noticed, the board really peeps and the Atmel chip gets quite hot, so i'm fearing the worst.. Altough its an official board and only had it for 2 weeks and it was always in a protective case.


"peeps"? I don't know what that means... like, it makes the squealing noise of a struggling DC-DC converter? That would be consistent with the chip getting hot.

Is anything connected to the boarD? If so, remove it.

If the main microcontroller is getting hot, and there's nothing connected to the board, trashcan the board and buy a new one: It's dead. If it's some other part, depending on the part, it may be fixable if you have the necessary skills and equipment.

Thanks for the reply DrAzzy,

With 'peeps' i mean that it makes a sound of a very high pitch. However the problem seems to be my computer and not the Due, because when I used the computer of a friend it worked fine.

No part was attached to the arduino when trying to upload code.

Any advice about what I could do about this? I reinstalled arduino but this doesn't fix the problem either :s There must be something wrong with my USB ports but I don't know what cause all other devices work fine

You mentioned a part getting hot. Does that occur when using a different computer where it works?

If a damaged part is drawing a lot of current, differences in how rigorously different computers limit USB port current could explain the difference...

I didn't really test that, i'll try that once i get back to that friend. Altough that appears like an odd thing to happen

Here is my fix for SAM-BA operation failed.
Windows 7 with USB3 port (previously worked on Windows 7 machine with only USB2 ports)
Uploading to Sparkfun Redboard Turbo

Put a USB 2 hub between the PC and the board.

SAM-BA error no longer occurres